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音效下载Loopmaster Future Drum  Bass MULTiFORMAT的图片1

Loopmaster Future Drum & Bass MULTiFORMAT | 1.4 Gb

Loopmasters present Future Drum & Bass – a forward-moving selection of sounds to tear up the arena and ignite the sonic fuse of the future. Every element is locked and loaded for high-octane audio adventures, with 100% of the content Royalty Free for your productions!

Future Drum and Bass is packed with resonant Basslines, lush Leads, edgy Percussion and a whole host of razor-sharp Drums to lay into the mix! Over 350 Loops are included, with Leads, Pianos, Pads, Keys and Synths projecting the musical elements to come, and a storming selection of killer Beats, intent on raising the bar and the temperature in your latest mix. Vocals from another dimension and interplanetary Percussion complete the Loops – complete in both WAV and pre-sliced Rex2 files, for further sonic style!

Future Drum and Bass comes at 172BPM, ideal for Drum and Bass, Jungle and other High Octane genres. 113 One Hit samples are included with over 90 Drum Hits featuring Cymbals, Hats, Kicks, Percussions and Snares – all fully produced and ready to be programmed in your DAW. 19 FX Hits will aid your track transformations, and 10 Sampler Patches spread your audio ammo far and wide!

Loopmaster 未来鼓和低音多 |1.4 gb

Loopmasters 提出未来的鼓和低音-一个向前移动的选择的声音撕裂竞技场和点燃未来的声波导火索。每个元素是锁定和加载的高能音频冒险, 与100% 的内容版税免费为您的生产!

未来的鼓和低音是挤满了共振 Basslines, 郁郁葱葱的线索, 尖锐的打击和整个主机的剃刀尖锐的鼓, 奠定了混合!超过350环路包括, 与潜在顾客, 钢琴, 垫, 钥匙和合成投射的音乐元素来, 和风暴选择的杀手节拍, 意图提高酒吧和温度在您的最新组合。声乐从另一个维度和行星际打击完成的循环-完整的 wav 和 pre-sliced Rex2 文件, 进一步的声波风格!

未来的鼓和低音来在 172BPM, 理想的鼓和低音, 丛林和其他高辛烷值的流派。113个命中样品包括与超过90鼓命中以钹、帽子、踢、打击和圈套-所有充分地被生产和准备好被编程在您的起司。19 fx 命中将帮助您的轨道转换, 和10采样器补丁扩展您的音频弹药远和宽!