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Spitfire Audio The Grange KONTAKT | 24.6 Gb

Historic Rock Drums. Spitfire creates rock history with three legendary drummers recorded at one legendary location. A new benchmark in drum sampling, this is an anthology of playable kits and an exhaustive selection of searing loops all with sympathetic mixing options.

Spitfire proudly presents three legendary drummers recorded in one legendary location… Headley Grange. Anyone with a modicum of historical rock music knowledge knows that this former Victorian workhouse, a private — some say haunted — residence nestled in the heart of England’s rural Hampshire, has played host to some of the most influential Sixties and Seventies recording artists that this country has produced, with fellow Brits Bad Company, Fleetwood Mac, and Genesis all spending some productive time there.

This unassuming family home really made its mark on the rock music map with the timely arrival of the legendary Led Zeppelin, who made some remarkable recordings there when writing parts of their eponymous Led Zeppelin III and Led Zeppelin IV albums, as well as their Houses Of The Holy and Physical Graffiti fifth and sixth album followups, between 1970 and 1975. Indeed, it was here in 1971 that producer Andy Johns and drummer John Bonham conspired to create what has come to be regarded as the definitive rock drum sound for Led Zeppelin IV closer ‘When The Levee Breaks’. Sampled (early on by British synthpop pioneers Depeche Mode and many more since) and long since imitated on a legion of rock recordings, Roger Taylor of Queen — no stranger to distinguished drumming himself — has described it thusly: “It was the benchmark — the sound that so many people strived for. It just sounded like thunder. We were like, ‘Wow!’”.

喷火的声音田庄 KONTAKT |24.6 gb

历史性的摇滚乐鼓。喷火战机创造岩石历史与三传奇鼓手记录在一个传奇地点。一个新的基准在滚筒取样, 这是一本选集的可玩套件和彻底选择灼热循环所有与交感神经混合选项。

喷火战机自豪地提出三传奇鼓手记录在一个传奇的位置..。荻田庄。任何有一点点历史摇滚音乐知识的人都知道这前维多利亚时期的济贫院一个私人的人说, 闹鬼的住所坐落在英格兰的农村汉普郡的心脏, 已经发挥了一些最有影响力的六十年代和七十年代录制艺术家, 这个国家已经生产, 与英国同胞坏公司, 伍麦克 mac, 和创世记所有在那里花费了一些时间。

这个不起眼的家庭真的在摇滚音乐地图上的标记, 及时到达传奇的齐柏林飞艇, 谁做了一些卓越的录音那里, 当写他们的同名的被带领的齐柏林飞艇 iii 和被带领的策帕林飞艇 iv 册页, 并且他们的房子圣洁和物理涂鸦第五和第六册页 followups, 在1970和1975之间。事实上, 正是在 1971年, 制片人安迪约翰和鼓手约翰·文咸合谋创造什么已经被认为是决定性的摇滚鼓的声音为 led 策帕林飞艇 iv 接近 "当堤坝休息"。抽样 (早期由英国 synthpop 先驱 "方式和许多从那以后) 和长期仿效在一军团岩石录音, 女王/王后的 roger 泰勒-没有陌生人到卓越的打鼓-描述了它这样:" 这是基准-声音那许多人奋斗。听起来像是打雷我们就像, ' 哇!