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音效下载The Loop Loft Reuben Rogers Upright Acoustic Bass Loops Vol 1 MULTiFORMAT的图片1

The Loop Loft Reuben Rogers Upright Acoustic Bass Loops Vol 1 MULTiFORMAT | 455 Mb

There's nothing quite like the warm, resonate and punchy sound of an upright acoustic bass. And in the hands of one of the world's premiere bass players, that sound comes to life with an endless amount of melodic and inspiring grooves. Introducing Reuben Rogers Looped Volume 1 - The first upright bass loop and sample collection from The Loop Loft.

Recorded meticulously with a combination of large-diaphragm condenser microphones placed strategically around the bass, this collection captures every nuance and frequency of Reuben's acoustic upright in pristine, natural detail. And with 11 different loop sessions in the library, Reuben Rogers Volume 1 covers a staggering amount of stylistic territories including bebop, blues, cinematic, folk, reggae, hip hop and modal jazz. In addition, The Loop Loft sampled all of the open strings and 2 chromatic octaves of Reuben's bass, giving you the option to create your own bass lines with the exact same sounds from the loop sessions.

环路阁楼鲁本罗杰斯直立声学低音环卷1多 |455 mb

没有什么能比得上直立的声波低音的温暖、共鸣和冲击力。在世界上最杰出的贝斯手之一的手中, 这种声音伴随着无尽的旋律和鼓舞人心的凹痕而生生不息。介绍流式罗杰斯环卷 1-第一个直立低音环路和样本收集从环阁楼。

精心录制的组合大膜片冷凝器麦克风放置在战略周围的低音, 这收集捕捉每一个细微的和频率的鲁本的声学直立, 自然的细节。和11不同的循环会话在图书馆, 鲁本罗杰斯卷1涵盖了惊人数量的文体领域, 包括波普斯, 蓝调, 电影, 民俗, 雷鬼, 嘻哈和模态爵士乐。此外, 环路阁楼取样的所有开放的字符串和鲁本的低音2色八度音阶, 让您可以选择创建自己的低音线, 从循环会话完全相同的声音。