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音效下载Native Instruments Kinetic Toys KONTAKT的图片1

Native Instruments Kinetic Toys KONTAKT | 3.52 Gb

KINETIC TOYS offers dynamic playback of 200+ recordings of vintage children’s toys, tools, and treats, each with a custom synthesized layer to create playable tones. These are then morphed and processed using a dynamic X-Y modulation system. The result is pristine, evocative, and distinctive sound, ideal for standout leads or quirky rhythmic effects and atmospheres.

Sounds in KINETIC TOYS range from clockwork robots, train sets, and bunsen burners to ping pong balls, pinball machines, and popcorn. This box of treats overflows with 35 themed sound sets, each with eight dynamically mixable toy and synthesized sounds, and manipulated by up to four effects. Both sounds and effects can be manually assigned, ready for modulation and morphing.

Central to KINETIC TOYS are two X-Y controllers for modulating sound scenes and effects scenes. The ballerina controls the sound scenes. As she dances, sound morphs between eight toy sounds and eight synth layers. Her motion can be played manually and automated. The robot is controlled exactly like the ballerina, its progress modulating up to eight effects processors. Individual effects are tailored to each theme and fall into four categories: Resonant effects (EQ and filters), spatial processors (such as delays), bitcrushers and distortions, and modulation tools. There are also four assignable modulation sources: Two envelopes and two LFOs.

国产仪器动态玩具 KONTAKT |3.52 gb

动感玩具提供动态回放 200 + 录制的老式儿童的玩具, 工具, 和治疗, 每一个定制的合成层, 以创造可播放的色调。然后使用动态的 x-y 调制系统对这些进行了仿形和处理。其结果是质朴, 令人回味, 和独特的声音, 理想的杰出的线索或古怪的节奏效果和气氛。

在运动玩具的声音范围从发条机器人, 火车集, 和本生燃烧器, 乒乓球, 弹球机, 爆米花。这盒处理溢出与35主题的声音集, 每个与八动态 mixable 的玩具和合成的声音, 并操纵多达四效果。声音和作用可以被手工分配, 准备好调制和变形。

运动玩具的中心是两个用于调制声音场景和效果场景的 x-y 控制器。芭蕾舞演员控制着声音的场面。当她跳舞, 声音在八玩具声音和八合成层之间变形。她的议案可以手动和自动化。机器人完全像芭蕾舞者一样被控制, 它的进步可以调节多达八效果的处理器。个别的效果是量身定做的, 并分为四类: 共振效应 (eq 和过滤器), 空间处理器 (如延迟), bitcrushers 和扭曲, 和调制工具。还有四可分配的调制源: 两个信封和两个 LFOs。