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音效下载Spitfire Audio Masse KONTAKT的图片1

Spitfire Audio Masse KONTAKT | 20.5 Gb

Instant Symphony Orchestra. We’re proud to present a set of super-exclusive ready-built orchestral patches for composers working at the frontline needing to hit that deadline. Designed by composers for composers, and featuring all three choirs of our symphonic orchestral project (brass, woods, strings), these patches have been carefully re-orchestrated, re-mixed and re-baked into a series of awe-inspiring, straight out-of-the-box mega-tools which are only available as part of the Spitfire Symphony Orchestra collection. Some of the ensembles within contain forces of over 300 players, designed for no-nonsense composers looking to get the job done.

A meticulously designed mega-epic instant orchestra created from re-orchestrating the best of our Symphonic Symphony Orchestra. A truly exclusive toolset only available to owners of SSO, this is designed for pros working at their limits needing a super car to get them across the finish line. Arranged and orchestrated by our award-winning composer team as no-nonsense single patches (ie. for two-handed use) with multiple and transformative dynamics controlled via CC#1 (modulation wheel) with particular studious attention to their responsiveness and playability. The ultimate writing tool for composers who don’t hang around, don’t take any prisoners, and don’t get fazed by impossible scheduling demands. This will get the job done.

喷火的声音集体 KONTAKT |20.5 gb

即时交响乐团。我们很荣幸能为在前线工作的作曲家提供一套超现成的管弦乐补丁, 这需要在最后期限之前完成。由作曲家为作曲家设计, 并以我们的交响管弦乐项目 (黄铜, 伍兹, 弦) 的所有三唱诗班为特色, 这些补丁已仔细 re-orchestrated, re-mixed 和 re-baked 成一系列 awe-inspiring, 直接现成的巨型工具, 这是只有作为喷火的交响乐乐团的一部分。其中的一些合奏包含超过300玩家的力量, 专为严肃的作曲家而设计, 希望能完成任务。

一个精心设计的巨型史诗般的即时乐团从 re-orchestrating 的最佳交响乐交响乐团。一个真正的独家工具集只提供给 sso 的所有者, 这是专为在他们的极限工作, 需要一辆超级跑车, 使他们跨越终点线。由我们获奖的作曲家团队安排和编排, 作为一个无废话的单一补丁 (即 two-handed 使用) 的多和转化动力学控制通过 CC#1 (调制轮), 特别好学的注意他们的反应能力和可。作曲家的终极写作工具谁不在周围闲逛, 不要采取任何囚犯, 并没有得到狼狈的不可能调度的要求。这将使工作完成。