Duration 1h 34m Project Files Included MP4
Modo Lighting Fundamentals
As someone new to 3D, or someone who has a background in 2D, the world of 3D can be daunting. The software packages that are available often feature complex interfaces that are easy for new users to become completely lost in. In this course, Modo Lighting Fundamentals, you’ll learn the basics of lighting in Modo from a photographer’s perspective. First, you’ll begin with an investigation of what light is and how it behaves. Next, you’ll move on to each of Modo’s lights and find out more about them on an individual basis. Finally, you’ll see how all the lights work together in an architectural scene. By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of lighting in Modo and will be able to work with lights comfortably in your own scene. Software required: Modo
工期 1h 34m 项目文件包括 MP4
modo 照明基础
作为一个新到3D 的人, 或者有2D 背景的人, 3D 的世界是令人畏惧的。可用的软件包通常具有复杂的接口, 易于新用户完全丢失。在本课程中, modo 照明基础知识, 您将从摄影师的角度学习 modo 照明的基础知识。首先, 你将开始调查光是什么以及它的行为。接下来, 您将移动到每个 modo 的灯, 并了解更多关于他们的个人基础。最后, 您将看到所有的灯光是如何在一个建筑场景中一起工作的。在本课程结束时, 您将对 modo 的照明有一个扎实的了解, 并且能够在您自己的场景中轻松地使用灯光。所需软件: modo