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Fold Expansive Horizons WAV | 485 Mb

Expansive Horizons is a sample pack unlike no other. A fusion of pin point accurate performances, driving techno inspired rhythms and evolving analogue pads and sequences. This truly bespoke sample collection will allow you to effortless glide from the most intricate of breakdowns all the way to the most intense, hands in the air, system crushing drops; a true musical journey.

Stunning, delicate melodies nestle gently against abrupt, aggressive rhythms all under pinned by the futuristic sound design bass lines. Thought provoking piano phrases play counterpoint to the harder edges paying homages to the production greats of John Hopkins and Greg Haines providing a sample pack that just keeps on giving and giving. This collection really needs to be heard to be believed with the demo only scratching the surface of the thousands of possibilities available within the collection. Exquisite performances, Inspiration at every turn, Fusion of analogue synths and stunning live instruments, Thought provoking content.


• 392 Lush Beat loops and samples

• Pristine 24 Bit Wav

• 100% Royalty Free Loops & Samples

折叠膨胀的视野 wav |485 mb

广阔的视野是一个样本包不像其他。融合的 pin 点准确的性能, 驱动技术灵感的节奏和演变模拟垫和序列。这个真正的定制样品收集将使您可以轻松地从最复杂的故障, 所有的方式到最激烈的, 手在空气中, 系统粉碎下降;真正的音乐之旅

令人惊叹的, 微妙的旋律雀巢轻轻地反对突然, 进取的节奏, 所有在未来的声音设计低音线寄托。发人深省的钢琴短语发挥与更硬的边缘支付 homages 的生产伟人约翰霍普金斯和格雷格海恩斯提供一个样本包, 只是不断给予和给予。这个集合真的需要听到的是相信的演示只触及了数以千计的可能性, 在收集的表面。精湛的表演, 灵感在每一个转弯, 融合的模拟合成和令人惊叹的活乐器, 发人深省的内容。



·精粹24位 wav

·100% 免版税循环和样品