CG数据库 >> 音效下载Lucid Samples 95 BPM Industrial Techno Pack WAV

音效下载Lucid Samples 95 BPM Industrial Techno Pack WAV的图片1

Lucid Samples 95 BPM Industrial Techno Pack WAV | 1.47 Gb

95 bpm Industrial Techno Pack is a collection of very rare and special industrial techno samples and loops. The product is the fruit of Lucid's great effort and inspiration put into his own industrial projects, and its presence is marked by the artistic approach and a feeling of 'movement' in the music. These samples are a blend of originality, charisma and utmost quality. There is no doubt that they are one of the most accomplished and best-sounding products we offer.

This sample pack enables you to create complete techno, industrial, industrial electro (and other) tunes. We prepared some ready-made drum loops, bass lines, synthetic lines, powerful drum sounds, backgrounds and sound effects so that you can create multi-layered pieces of music exclusively by means of this bulky sample library. And this is not over yet! The bass and synth lines exist in a number of different versions and some of them are the ones sampled from a variety of instruments. Thanks to this you can develop your music freely and flexibly by adding ever more new layers. Now your music will gain some depth and satisfactory effects. Drum loops come in versions of different advancement level as well! Only think – this isn't yet all we offer you. Cap it all off, you are provided with a variety of dark, mysterious and industrial backgrounds, synthetic sounds, ambience sound effects, distorted, shots, sequence, reverse, sweep, kicks and powerful drum sounds; all of this stuff in service of your creativity.

透明样品 95 bpm 工业技术包 wav |1.47 gb

95 bpm 工业技术包是一个非常罕见的和特殊的工业技术样品和循环的集合。该产品是清醒的伟大努力和灵感的成果投入到他自己的工业项目, 其存在的标志是艺术的方式和感觉的 ' 运动 ' 在音乐。这些样品是创意, 魅力和最大质量的混合。毫无疑问, 它们是我们所提供的最有成就和 best-sounding 的产品之一。

本示例包使您能够创建完整的技术, 工业, 工业电 (和其他) 的曲调。我们准备了一些 ready-made 鼓环, 低音线, 合成线, 强大的鼓的声音, 背景和音效, 使您可以创建一个多层次的音乐作品独家通过这个庞大的标本库。这还没完呢!低音和合成线存在于许多不同的版本, 其中一些是从各种仪器取样。多亏了这一点, 你可以自由和灵活地发展你的音乐, 添加更多的新层。现在你的音乐将获得一些深度和令人满意的效果。鼓循环来的版本不同的推进水平, 以及!只想-这还不是我们给你的全部。把它全部关闭, 你提供了各种黑暗, 神秘和工业背景, 合成声音, 氛围音效, 扭曲, 投篮, 序列, 反向, 扫, 踢和强大的鼓的声音;所有这些东西都在为你的创造力服务。