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音效下载Spitfire Audio Albion IV Uist KONTAKT的图片1

Spitfire Audio Albion IV Uist KONTAKT | 56 Gb

Part IV of the widescreen range of composer's tools that give you everything you need to make modern film music out of one box. Albion IV presents large ensembles playing over 800 unique and extraordinary atonal, aleatoric and "progressive" articulations. Presented alongside an epic collection of nearly 200 warped orchestral hybrids powered by the eDNA synth engine.

UIST plays true to the Albion range in that it is recorded in large epic cinematic orchestral ensembles; Strings High, Strings Low, Winds High, Winds Low, Brass High and Brass Low all playing these expertly crafted "progressive" techniques. With everything arranged to interlock between sections. As these ensembles are recorded via the finest vintage valve and ribbon mics to tape in the hall at Air Studios, Albion IV is designed to integrate seamlessly with both the rest of the Albion range as well as the BML and Definitive ranges also recorded in the hall.

Matching the spirit of volumes 1 though 3 we have then taken these unique recordings and have warped them into a broad selection of trailblazing hybrid sounds. These vary from organic orchestras from another place and age to screaming synths and widescreen pads. There is only one way we could present this "Stephenson's Steam Band IV" section of UIST and that as a cartridge for our amazing eDNA engine. Which will enable to morph your listener's world from that of orchestral order to utterly warped disorder!


A band of over 60 of the finest orchestral session musicians playing the finest, rarest instruments, recorded at Air Studios - Lyndhurst Hall, London, through vintage, valve, and ribbon mics to 2" tape. We do this not for a 'vintage' sound but to give you the ultimate amount of 'richness' missing in so many sample libraries. We are the only tape based orchestral library in the world. This is all you need to write epic sounding, widescreen cinematic orchestral music straight out of the box. Recorded in large epic cinematic orchestral ensembles; Strings High, Strings Low, Winds High, Winds Low, Brass High and Brass Low. We have captured a staggering 800 unique "progressive" articulations with everything arranged to interlock between sections.

烈性战机音频诺维奇 iv 伊斯特岛 KONTAKT |56 gb

第四部分的宽屏作曲家的工具, 给你的一切, 你需要使现代电影音乐出一个盒子。诺维奇 iv 提供大型合奏演奏超过800独特和非凡调, 任意和 "进步" 关节。由埃德娜合成引擎提供的近200曲乐团混合动力的史诗收藏品。

伊斯特岛发挥真实的诺维奇范围, 因为它是记录在大型史诗电影管弦乐合奏;弦高, 弦低, 风高, 风低, 黄铜高和黄铜低所有演奏这些熟练地被制作的 "进步" 技术。所有的东西都被安排在节间互锁。由于这些合奏是记录通过最好的老式阀门和丝带麦克风磁带在大厅里的空气工作室, 诺维奇 iv 的设计, 以无缝集成的其余的诺维奇范围, 以及 bml 和确定的范围也记录在大厅。

与卷的精神相匹配1虽然 3, 我们已经采取了这些独特的录音和扭曲成一个广泛的选择开拓混合声音。这些不同的有机乐队从另一个地方和年龄的尖叫合成和宽屏垫。只有一种方式, 我们可以提出这个 "斯蒂芬森的蒸汽带 iv" 部分的伊斯特岛, 并作为一个墨盒, 我们惊人的埃德娜引擎。这将使你的听众的世界从管弦乐秩序转变为完全扭曲的无序状态!


乐队超过60最好的管弦乐演奏最优秀的, 最稀有的乐器, 记录在空气工作室-林德赫斯特霍尔, 伦敦, 通过老式, 阀门, 和丝带麦克风 2 "磁带。我们这样做不是为了一个 ' 老式 ' 的声音, 但给你的 "丰富" 的最终数量在这么多的样本库中失踪。我们是世界上唯一的以磁带为基础的管弦乐图书馆。这是所有你需要写史诗冠冕堂皇, 宽屏电影管弦乐直出的方块。记录在大型史诗电影管弦乐合奏;弦高, 弦低, 风高, 风低, 黄铜高, 黄铜低。我们已经抓获了一个惊人的800独特的 "进步" 关节, 一切安排在节之间的联锁。