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音效下载Soundiron Requiem Light 3.0 KONTAKT的图片1

FANTASTiC | June 08 2017 | 4.69 GB

Requiem Light is a professional symphonic choir library specifically designed for epic cinematic scoring and dramatic trailer composition, packed with a huge mix-ready sound in a supremely light ram and disk footprint. Whether you use it in your studio or take it on the road, it has a rich, dynamic cathedral choir sound that's equally perfect for achieving soaring fortissimo power or sculpting delicately soft melodic detail. This library is Powered By the Native Instruments Kontakt Player engine (VST, AU & AAX Plugin formats) and supports all Komplete Kontrol software and hardware.

This library includes three true legato vowels, a variety of classic vowel sustains and staccatos, single-syllable Marcato words, long poly-syllabic Latin sustains and fast, aggressive Latin staccatos, as well as a big selection of classic and uniquely creative dynamic choral effects, a great collection of emotive solo soprano and tenor polysustains and a selection of sound-designed atmospheric pads, drones and choral atmospheres.

All of this content is wrapped in a newly redesigned intuitive and flexible graphical user interface for easy parameter shaping, real-time articulation layering and switching, fluid legato, customizable section blending and a fully-integrated syllable and phrase step sequencer. We’ve also included our modular FX rack, including 119 of our favorite custom reverb spaces. With a clean and responsive interface, pristine acoustic fidelity and excellent vocal performances, Requiem Light is your new go-to for classical and cinematic lead choral arrangements.


We recorded Requiem Light in the massive sanctuary hall at historic Saint Paul's in San Francisco and conducted by award-winning maestro Robert Geary with hand-picked members of Volti, SF Symphony Chorus, SF Opera and the San Francisco Choral Society. The choir was captured with 12 large diaphragm microphones and expertly mixed and mastered into a perfectly-balanced stereo image. This instant mix-ready master mix provides you intuitive ease-of-use and resource efficiency right out of the box, without the usual system resource and performance cost.

The library contains polyphonic true-legato sustains for full unison choir, with essential Ah, Eh and Oh vowel types with smooth piano-forte dynamic cross-fade control. It also includes men's and women's divisi sustains for six common vowel sounds (Ah, Ee, Eh, Ih, Oh and Oo). There are 24 staccato syllables with round-robin and 16 ultra-forte sustaining single-syllable marcato words to choose from, with integrated phrase-sequencing.

We also include 20 fast and 12 slow multi-syllable Latin words with time-stretching, tempo-synching and legato control. It also features 10 expressive poly-sustain articulations for Tenor and Soprano soloists.

You'll also find hundreds of dramatic and creative choral effects including clusters, demonic chants, glisses, swells, sweeps, consonants, shouts, stomps, breaths, claps, snaps and more. You can also choose from 119 custom convolution reverb and FX impulse responses to place the choir in different environment or create unique atmospheric and special textural effects.

The library also offers a variety of uniquely sound-designed atmospheric and choral pad content for underscoring, layering, EDM and ambient songwriting, soundscape creation and more.

Product Specs

•4,243 Samples

•4.72 GB installed (6.4 GB wav source)

•14 nki Kontakt instrument presets

•24 bit / 44.1kHz lossless NCW format samples

•Works with the free Kontakt Player

•Includes bonus choral atmospheres, soundscapes, drones and evolving sound designed pads, hand-crafted from the source.

梦幻 |2017年6月08日 |4.69 gb

安魂曲是一个专业的交响乐合唱团图书馆专门设计的史诗电影配乐和戏剧性的拖车组合, 挤满了一个巨大的混合准备的声音在一个超级轻 ram 和磁盘足迹。无论你是在你的工作室使用它还是在路上, 它有一个丰富的, 动态的大教堂合唱团的声音, 同样完美的实现飙升的最力量或雕刻微妙的软旋律细节。这个库是由本地仪器 Kontakt 播放器引擎 (vst, au 和 AAX 插件格式), 并支持所有 Komplete 控制软件和硬件。

该库包括三真正的 legato 元音, 各种经典的元音维持和奏, 单 Marcato 词, 长的多音节拉丁语支撑和快速, 进取拉丁语奏, 并且一个大选择古典和独特地创造性的动态合唱效果, 一个伟大的汇集情感独奏女高音并且男高音 polysustains 并且选择酣然设计的大气垫, 无人驾驶飞机和合唱大气。

所有这些内容都包裹在一个新重新设计的直观和灵活的图形用户界面, 易于参数塑造, real-time 衔接分层和切换, 流畅的 legato, 可定制的部分混合和一个完整的音节和短语步骤排序器。我们还包括我们的模块化 fx 货架, 包括119我们最喜欢的自定义混响空间。具有清洁和灵敏的界面, 原始的声学保真度和优秀的声乐表演, 安魂曲灯是你的新的去为古典和电影主唱合唱安排。


我们在旧金山历史性的圣保罗的巨型圣殿大厅里录制了《安魂曲》, 并由屡获殊荣的大师罗伯特. 葛瑞与作者、sf 交响乐合唱团、sf 歌剧院和旧金山合唱协会的钦点成员一起进行。唱诗班被捉住了与12个大膜片话筒和熟练地混合和被掌握入一个完全平衡的立体声图象。这种即时混合式的主组合为您提供了直观易用性和资源效率, 无需通常的系统资源和性能成本。

该库包含复调真-legato 维持完整的合唱, 与基本的啊, eh 和 oh 元音类型与流畅的钢琴复强动态淡入控制。它还包括男性和女性的 divisi 维持六常见的元音 (啊, ee, eh, 中, 哦和 oo)。有24断续音节与循环赛和 16 ultra-forte 维持单 marcato 词选择, 与综合短语排序。

我们还包括20快速和12慢 multi-syllable 拉丁语与 time-stretching, 节拍同步和 legato 控制。它还具有10表现力的多持续关节男高音和女高音独奏。

你还会发现数以百计的戏剧性和创造性的合唱效果, 包括集群, 恶魔圣歌, glisses, 膨胀, 扫, 辅音, 叫喊, 踩, 呼吸, 拍手, 快照和更多。您也可以选择从119自定义卷积混响和 fx 脉冲响应, 把合唱团在不同的环境或创造独特的大气和特殊的纹理效果。

该库还提供了各种独特的声音设计的大气和合唱垫的内容, 以强调, 分层, edm 和环境作曲, 声创造和更多。


•4,243 样品

已安装•4.72 gb (6.4 gb wav 源)

•14 nki Kontakt 仪器预设

•24位/44.1kHz 无损妇女格式示例

•Works 与自由 Kontakt 球员

•Includes 奖金合唱气氛, 声音, 无人机和演变的声音设计的垫, 手工制作的来源。