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音效下载SoundMorph Future Weapons 3 WAV的图片1

SoundMorph Future Weapons 3 WAV | 808 Mb

The Future Weapons series is back with our newest and most cutting edge library yet Future Weapons 3. We made this one huge, both in size and scope. In fact, since we are concluding the Future Weapons series, we wanted to do it with a bang, so we made this one the biggest of the 3!

It has over 29 weapons and categories! Future weapons 3 was created by SoundMorph in collaboration with Nikolay Semenov and Vedran Kapetinic. Future Weapons 3 is massive. Just look at the list below or download the PDF excel sheet to get an idea of all that you get. Elemental features more than 750+ files, 1.2 GB of 24-Bit/96khz (.WAV) files, all meticulously embedded with Soundminer and Basehead metadata.

SoundMorph 未来武器 3 wav |808 mb

未来的武器系列是我们最新的和最前沿的图书馆, 但未来的武器3。我们做了一个巨大的, 无论是在大小和范围。事实上, 由于我们正在完成未来的武器系列, 我们想用一声巨响, 所以我们做了这个最大的 3!

它有超过29武器和类别!未来的武器3是由 SoundMorph 与尼古拉 Semenov 和 Vedran Kapetinic 合作创建的。未来的武器3是巨大的。只需查看下面的列表或下载 pdf excel 表, 就能了解您所得到的所有信息。元素功能超过 750 + 文件, 1.2 gb 的24位/96 赫 (。wav) 文件, 所有精心嵌入 Soundminer 和 Basehead 元数据。