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音效下载Spitfire Audio Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds KONTAKT的图片1

Spitfire Audio Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds KONTAKT | 66.3 Gb

Often neglected by modern media composers, the Woods are your secret weapon to add real power to your productions. Spitfire Audio has taken its decade of experience making woodwind instruments and has spent the last five years recording the best of the best at one of the most sought-after locations in the world: The Hall at Air Studios, London for this, a definitive compendium of orchestral woodwinds.

After a decade of exhaustive sampling, and four years spent capturing our finest woodwind players, Spitfire are proud to present Symphonic Woodwinds. It is a definitive collection of orchestral woods recorded and 'deep sampled' at Air Studios, London. Featuring multiple dynamics, vibrato control, numerous round robins and a variety of traditional and more esoteric articulations (clarinet flutter tongue? tick!). Not only does SSW feature the usual suspects, our deep sampling has been extended through the extraordinary lesser used areas of the wood choir, alto and bass flutes, contrabass clarinets to name but three!

Originally released in modules as part of the BML (British Modular Library) project, Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds is a rationalisation of these numerous, deep sampled components, along with many improvements, including a host of new articulations (totalling an additional 30% of content). We've created a more affordable entry into what we believe to be the finest orchestral woodwinds library available today.

喷火战机木 KONTAKT |66.3 gb

经常被现代媒体的作曲家所忽视, 森林是你为你的作品增添真正力量的秘密武器。烈性战机音频已经采取了其十年的经验, 制造木管乐器, 并已在过去五年的记录最好的最佳在一个最 sought-after 的地点在世界上: 大厅在空气工作室, 伦敦为此, 一个明确的汇编管弦乐木。

经过长达十年的详尽取样, 四年来我们最优秀的木管乐器, 喷火战机为目前的交响木而自豪。这是一个明确收集的管弦乐伍兹记录和 ' 深取样 ' 在空气工作室, 伦敦。具有多重动力学, 颤音控制, 众多的罗宾斯和各种传统和更深奥的关节 (单簧管扑舌?ssw 的特点不仅是通常的嫌疑犯, 我们的深度取样已通过木材合唱团, 中音和低音长笛, 低音单簧管的特殊较小的使用面积扩大, 但三!

最初发布的模块作为 bml (英国模块化图书馆) 项目的一部分, 喷火喷木是一个合理化的这些众多的, 深采样组件, 连同许多改进, 包括一大堆新的关节 (总共30% 的内容)。我们已经创造了一个更实惠的进入我们认为是最好的管弦乐木图书馆今天。