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Ueberschall Jazz Guitar 2 ELASTiK | 1.19 Gb

As a follow up to the hugely popular Jazz Guitar library, Jazz Guitar 2 delivers a further, high-class, collection of electric guitar lead lines that would be perfect for your next project. Like all the Elastik Instrument Series titles, the performances are exemplary. The German jazz musician Andreas Jaeger brings authentic passion and taste to the playing. The recordings capture the sound of his beautiful Framus AZ-10 guitar to perfection.

The library contains 1.4 GB of sample content, spread across nearly 950 individual licks. Two soundbanks are included with all samples presented as both dry/mono or in stereo with a touch of compression. Users can install either or both soundbanks as required. The licks are pre-organised into groups based upon key and tempo making it easy to find phrases that will work together well. In addition, the performances are organized into three tempo-based groups; 70/140, 80/160 and 90/180 bpm. Within each group, the samples are arranged into key-based collections of phrases.

This combination of features allows you to construct that perfect guitar solo for your project. In addition, Elastik’s transparent tempo- and pitch-shifting technology makes it easy to mix and match between the various sample groups for further flexibility. A wide range of playing styles are included. Whether your musical mood requires something soulful and mellow, or more upbeat and playful, Jazz Guitar 2 therefore has something to offer. Jazz Guitar 2 is ideal for busy music and media producers looking to add classy jazz guitar leads to their latest soul, lounge, jazz or house production.

Ueberschall 爵士吉他 2 ELASTiK |1.19 gb

作为一个后续的巨大流行的爵士乐吉他库, 爵士吉他2提供了进一步的, 高级, 收集电吉他引线, 这将是你的下一个项目的完美。象所有 Elastik 仪器系列标题, 表现是模范。德国爵士乐音乐家安德烈耶格给比赛带来了真实的激情和品味。录音捕捉到他美丽的 Framus AZ-10 吉他完美的声音。

该库包含 1.4 gb 的样本内容, 分布在近950个人舔。两个 soundbanks 包括在所有的样品, 无论是干燥/单声道或立体声与触摸压缩。用户可以根据需要安装任意一个或两个 soundbanks。舔是 pre-organised 成组的基础上的关键和节奏, 使它容易找到的短语, 将合作良好。此外, 演出被组织成三 tempo-based 组;70/140、80/160 和 90/180 bpm。在每个组中, 这些样本被排列成基于的词组集合。

这种功能组合可以让你为你的项目构建完美的吉他独奏。此外, Elastik 的透明的节奏和音调转移技术, 使它易于混合和匹配的各种样本组, 以进一步的灵活性。包括多种游戏风格。无论你的音乐情绪需要一些深情和醇厚, 或更乐观和俏皮, 爵士吉他2因此有东西提供。爵士乐吉他2是理想的繁忙的音乐和媒体制作人希望添加优雅的爵士乐吉他导致他们最新的灵魂, 休息室, 爵士乐或房子生产。