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FANTASTiC 31 July 2017 | WAV: 2.79 GB | Ableton Live: 2.79 GB | Kontakt and Logic: 2.79 GB

Raw & Eccentric 8 Bit Synthesis

The Sidstation is a three oscillator desktop synthesizer based around the infamous 8-bit SID chip. Back in the day, the SID (Sound Interface Device) produced all of the lovely music and sounds of the Commodore 64, one of the earliest mass-produced home computer and gaming systems of the 1980s. In addition to its uncanny ability to emulate the sounds of frogs evading traffic, the Commodore had a desirable, raw and aggressive sound and featured extensive modulation capabilities for its time.

Twenty years later, the Sidstation attempted to pick up where the C64 left off. With an original (and quite rare) 6581 R4AR chip at its core, the Sidstation has all the bells and whistles of a modern synth, including 3 multi-waveform oscillators, an analog resonant filter, and four LFOs. But despite these additions, its heart and soul remain in the dusty and nostalgic past of the 1980s.

The Allure of its Flaws

Like the Commodore, the SID is known as being noisy - in fact, its oscillators never stop outputting, even when the synth isn't being used! This inherent instability and unpredictable nature is where all of the SID's character and sound is derived. From its pitch tracking to its envelope settings, every sampled note has a slightly different characteristic than its neighbor, making each key press dynamic and unique.

The resultant sound is no ordinary 8-bit machine, but a full-on synthesizer capable of producing all the waveforms of the C64 and further sculpting them with a 4 part LFO, and multi-mode analog filters. This gives us something much more musical than what you'd imagine is possible with only 8 bits - savage FX, Herbie inspired funk basses, drunken pads and more:

The Recording Process

To preserve the synth's gritty, 8-bit integrity, we kept the signal path pretty clean. Alternating between an API 512C and NonLinearAudio Flexiguy mic pre, we incorporated some slight EQ and compression (courtesy of SSL and Tube-Tech) ending with a hint of saturation to achieve additional harmonics where needed.

To add some stereo width and the occasional (but subtle) pitch delay or shimmer, we employed the classic H3000. Both the Sidstation and 3000's digital converters are known for their grainy, almost 'analog' sound and as a result they complement each other perfectly:

In the End

It’s doubtful that the Sidstation comes close to approaching the amazing sound of the SID in its native setting in a real Commodore 64, but that doesn't mean it can't produce some amazingly quirky, eccentric and musical tones, wrapped in convenient, modern synthesis.

And although digital at its core, the Sidstation's brute strength and sonic flexibility are virtually impossible to emulate in the software format. By capturing the audio, note by note (with up to 11 seconds of sustain), we can get a lot closer to those wild but extremely musical 8-bit sounds in your own DAW.


•30 Multi-Sampled SID Instruments For Ableton, Kontakt, Logic & 24bit WAV

•Tight 8-bit basses, broken alien technology FX, rude leads, modulating patches

•Heavenly to hellish pads, razor sharp leads, retro-insanity experimentation and more

•Extensive multi-sampling, modulation and FX routing on all instruments

•Hand trimmed and looped to perfection

•Clean and processed recordings with a variety of Class A gear


•Ableton Live 9.7 (Not Intro)

•Kontakt 5.6.5 (Not Kontakt Player)

•Logic 9+

•24 bit WAV Compatible DAW or Sampler

梦幻 |2017年7月31日 |wav: 2.79 gb |ableton 生活: 2.79 gb |Kontakt 和逻辑: 2.79 gb


Sidstation 是一个基于臭名昭著的8位 sid 芯片的三振荡器台式机合成器。早在一天, sid (声音接口设备) 产生的所有可爱的音乐和声音的准将 64, 其中一个最早的 mass-produced 家庭计算机和游戏系统的二十世纪八十年代。除了它离奇的能力模仿青蛙躲避交通的声音, 准将有一个可取的, 原始的和进取的声音和特色广泛的调制能力为它的时间。

二十年后, Sidstation 试图拾起 C64 离开的地方。与原始 (相当罕见) 6581 R4AR 芯片在它的核心, Sidstation 有所有现代合成器的响铃和口哨, 包括3多波振荡器, 一个模拟谐振滤波器, 和四 LFOs。但尽管有这些增加, 它的心脏和灵魂仍然在尘土飞扬和怀旧的过去的二十世纪八十年代。


就像准将一样, sid 被称为 noisy-in 事实, 它的振荡器永远不会停止输出, 即使没有使用合成子!这种固有的不稳定性和不可预知性是 sid 的所有特性和声音的来源。从它的音高跟踪到它的信封设置, 每一个取样的音符有一个稍微不同的特征比它的邻居, 使每个按键的动态和独特。

由此产生的声音是没有普通的8位机器, 而是一个全面的合成器能够生产所有的 C64 的波形, 并进一步塑造他们与4部分低频, 和多模模拟滤波器。这给了我们更多的音乐, 比你想象的更有可能只有8比特-野蛮的 fx, 哈比灵感的低音, 醉酒的垫子和其他:


为了保持合成的坚韧不拔, 8 位的完整性, 我们保持信号路径相当干净。在 api 512C 和 NonLinearAudio Flexiguy 麦克风前, 我们合并了一些轻微的 eq 和压缩 (ssl 和管技术的礼貌) 结束与一个饱和的暗示, 以实现额外的谐波, 在需要的地方。

为了增加一些立体声宽度和偶尔 (但微妙) 的音高延迟或微光, 我们聘请了经典的 H3000。Sidstation 和3000的数字转换器都以其粒状的、几乎是 ' 模拟 ' 的声音而闻名, 因此它们是完美互补的:


令人怀疑的是, Sidstation 接近接近惊人的声音的 sid 在其本土设置在一个真正的准将 64, 但这并不意味着它不能产生一些惊人的古怪, 偏心和音乐色调, 包裹在方便, 现代合成。

虽然数字在其核心, Sidstation 的蛮力和音速的灵活性实际上是不可能效仿的软件格式。通过捕捉音频, 注记 (最多11秒的持续), 我们可以得到更接近那些野生的, 但非常音乐8位的声音在你自己的。


•30多采样 sid 仪器, 用于 ableton、Kontakt、逻辑和 24bit wav

•Tight 8 位低音, 残破的外来技术 fx, 粗鲁的主角, 调整补丁

•Heavenly 到地狱般的垫子, 剃刀锋利的线索, 复古疯狂的实验和更多

•Extensive 多, 调制和 fx 路由在所有仪器

•Hand 修剪和循环完善

•Clean 和加工的录音与各种各样的类 a 齿轮


•Ableton 活 9.7 (不介绍)

•Kontakt 5.6.5 (不是 Kontakt 播放器)

•Logic 9 +

•24位 wav 兼容的起司或取样器