Loopmasters Dream Vocals WAV REX | 772 Mb
You can never have enough Vocal samples right? Well Loopmasters have a treat for you this week as we proudly present Dream Vocals, an exciting new collection of Vocal Acapella’s and Phrases with lashings of Atmospheric Fx, Big Lush Harmonies and Hooks aplenty!
Written, Recorded and Produced exclusively for Loopmasters by George Baldwin this incredible pack offers bite size Vocal Acapella kits for any producer looking to add unique Vocal textures to the mix. The collection comes with 28 separate Vocal ideas each with separate stems of Harmonies, Backing and Full mixes. Each of the 28 Vocal Kits come pre treated with high end outboard equipment and top end plugins ensuring they will cut through a mix with ease, enhancing any productions they are dropped into from House to Hip Hop and Electro to Dubstep.
This diverse collection of Vocal Phrases is recorded in tempos from 90 to 140Bpm at 24Bit 44.1 KHz with arrangements ranging from Huge Harmonic Atmospheres, short Catchy Hooks and Powerful Chord Progressions ready to chop, remix and glitch to your requirements. In Detail Expect to find Over 900Mb, 104 Loops in 28 Vocal Phrase Kits with separate stems and full bounced versions for maximum flexibility and 104 Rex2 files. If you are looking for some serious Choral inspiration then look no further as Loopmasters drops this incredible palette of stunning Vocal FX and Hooks, so check out the demos and sample Dream Vocals TODAY!
• 923Mb
• 24Bit Quality
• 28 Vocal Ensembles
• 104 Loops
• 104 Rex2 Files
Loopmasters 梦主唱 WAV 雷克斯 |772 Mb
你不可能有足够的声乐样本对吧?嗯, Loopmasters 有一个款待你这个星期, 我们自豪地提出的梦想声乐, 一个激动人心的新的声音清唱和短语与大气 Fx 鞭打, 大郁郁葱葱的和声和钩丰富!
写, 记录和专门为 Loopmasters 制作的乔治鲍德温这令人难以置信的包提供咬大小的声音清唱套件为任何生产者寻找添加独特的声乐纹理的组合。该集合有28独立的声乐思想, 每一个独立的和声, 支持和充分混合的茎。每一个28声乐套件来前处理高端舷外设备和顶部插件, 确保他们将削减通过一个混合轻松, 提高任何产品, 他们从房子下降到嘻哈和电 Dubstep。
这种不同的声乐短语收集记录在节奏从90到 140Bpm, 在 24Bit 44.1 赫的安排范围从巨大的谐波气氛, 短上口钩和强大的和弦进展准备斩, 混合和故障, 以您的要求。详细的期望找到超过 900Mb, 104 循环在28声乐短语套件与独立的茎和完整的弹跳版本的最大灵活性和 104 Rex2 文件。如果你正在寻找一些严肃的合唱灵感, 然后看没有进一步的 Loopmasters 下降了令人惊叹的声音 FX 和钩的不可思议的调色板, 所以检查出的演示和样本梦想的声音今天!
·24Bit 质量
· 104 Rex2 文件