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Egadz Cinema Futuro WAV | 463 Mb

Cinema Futuro pushes the boundaries of electronic aesthetics with a sublime hand crafted collection of iconic vintage synth sounds created using a Minimoog, Juno 60 and Moog Lil Phatty. The heavy drum sounds were formed using a combination of traditional electronic beats, acoustic recordings and mixed matched pieces including Istanbul cymbals and a vintage 1964 Lugwig snare. The idea for the pack came from a certain brand of cinematic music that Egadz has crafted over the last 17 years. It’s a mix of analog, future - vintage, and experimentation created for the new cinematic age. Perfect for any producer who wants all the drama of cinema fused with unique futuristic textures to make their productions stand a cut above the rest.

egadz电影未来的WAV | 463 MB

电影未来推动电子美学的边界有一个崇高的手工收集的标志性的复古合成器声音使用minimoog创建,朱诺60、Moog Lil Phatty。沉重的鼓声结合使用传统的电子节拍形成声录音和混合匹配的作品包括伊斯坦布尔路得维网罗钹和一个老式的1964。对于包的想法来自于某电影的音乐品牌,Egadz制定了在过去的17年。它是模拟的、未来的、老式的和为新电影时代而创造的实验的混合体。完美的任何生产者谁想要所有的电影戏剧融合与独特的未来的纹理,使他们的产品站在高于其他。