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Boom Library Mechanicals Construction Kit WAV | 6.83 Gb

MECHANICALS CONSTRUCTION KIT is an incredibly valuable and versatile set of sound FX. Use these high-quality source sounds to create your own mechanical sound masterpieces from scratch.

To give you unlimited possibilities we included more than 2.000 single source sound FX in more than 560 files. Choose from a sheer endless amount of CLICKS, SNAPS, MOVEMENTS, COMPLEX SOUND SEQUENCES, RATTLING, ROLLING, SLIDING, SPRINGS, TURNS & SWEETENERS. Different sizes, multiple variations and a huge palette of different machines and mechanism sounds give you full flexibility to enter a new world of outstanding sound effects.

We recorded the mechanical sound effects with only small reverberation rooms to give you as much flexibility as possible. The dry and very close sounds can easily be integrated into other reverberation rooms and afterwards you can add as much reverb to your sounds as you need. The recordings for MECHANICALS were very interesting. We searched quite some time to find a collector of really rare, old, strange and charming machines (i.a. a successor of the famous Enigma) that surprised us with some very unique sounds. Everywhere where mechanics took place we pointed our microphones towards it and captured the sound. We recorded really small and wispy mechanics as well as huge machines and old, almost forgotten slot machines from the 1900s like chocolate- and gaming machines, type writers, check writers and printing machines.


• Library ships in 96kHz/24bit High Definition Audio

• More than 2.000 SFX in more than 560 files

• 11+ GB HD sound effects

• Effective workflow: well-grounded Soundminer Metadata

Data Sheet

• 560+ files, 11+ GB sounds | 96kHz/24bit, WAV

繁荣图书馆机械建设套件 WAV |6.83 Gb

机械建设套件是一个令人难以置信的价值和多才多艺的一套健全的 FX。使用这些高质量的源声音来创建您自己的机械声音杰作从头开始。

为了给你无限的可能性, 我们包括超过2.000 单源声音 FX 在560多个文件。选择从无尽的点击量, 快照, 运动, 复杂的声音序列, 剑拔弩张, 滚动, 滑动, 弹簧, 转弯和甜味剂。不同的大小, 多样的变化和一个巨大的调色板不同的机器和机制的声音给你充分的灵活性, 进入一个新的世界优秀的音效。

我们记录的机械声音效果, 只有小的混响室, 给你尽可能多的灵活性。干燥和非常接近的声音可以很容易地集成到其他混响室, 之后你可以添加尽可能多的混响你的声音, 你需要。机械的录音非常有趣。我们找了相当长的时间来寻找一个非常罕见的, 古老的, 奇怪的和迷人的机器的收藏家 (内务部的一个著名的谜的继任者), 让我们惊讶的一些非常独特的声音。在机械发生的任何地方, 我们都把麦克风对准它并捕捉到声音。我们记录了真正的小和纤细的机械, 以及巨大的机器和老式的, 几乎被遗忘的插槽机从1900s 像巧克力-和游戏机, 类型作家, 检查作家和印刷机。


·96赫/24 位高清晰度音频中的库船

·超过 2.000 SFX 超过560文件

· 11 GB 高清音效

·有效工作流程: Soundminer 元数据


· 560 + 文件, 11 GB 的声音 |96赫/24 位, WAV