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音效下载Audiofier Vesper v1.1.1 KONTAKT的图片1

Audiofier Vesper v1.1.1 KONTAKT | 2.77 Gb

At a glance Vesper is a double engine themed rompler, geared towards “bells and twinkly things” type of sounds. But it hides a powerful randomiser engine, a twin step sequencer and a “Trails layer” which adds motion to each patch.

Vesper comes with 135 sound sources loadable in 2 different slots, plus 20 Trails. Each sound source is multisampled and comes with 3 round robins. Audiofier’s new “intelligent” Randomiser feature makes it incredibly easy to create new sounds quickly and makes presets redundant. It also possible to recall past randomisations and go back and forth in the randomisation history, also recalling past randomisation on the fly.

Even though the Randomisation engine plays a big part in Vesper, for the most creative producers, Vesper still offers the possibility to create patches from scratch, with multiple ways of choosing sound sources, including a categorised Sound Browser, which works hand in hand with the randomisation engine to create sounds which are “just right”.

Following the success of Sequi2r’s family reverseable sounds feature, Vesper gives the option to reverse sounds on the fly and to adjust the length of each reversed sound with the mod wheel. In Vesper you can select whether you want to play both sound sources at once (Single map Mode), one per key zone (Dual Map Mode) or let it happen randomly (Random Map Mode), creating interesting changing textures. This both while you are in Normal Mode or Step Sequencer Mode. The keyboard zone can be defined by the user.


•2 Main Sound sources, plus Trails sound sources

•135 + 20 Multisampled, 3 Round robins sounds

•3.29 GB, NCW compressed, over 4900 samples

•Volume, Pan, Octave and Semitones Shift, High pass and Low pass filters, Attack and release controls per sound source.

•Master Shine, Saturation, Chorus, 2 delays, Lo-fi, Convolution reverb.

•Intelligent Randomiser engine, with undo history.

•Categorised browser

•Undo and redo randomisation up to 1000 undo levels

•Undo level counter to jump to a desired undo level.

•Single, Dual and Random Map mode.

•Pan Control: Widen and Random

•Twin step sequencer, with live recording mode, auto save and auto recall.

•8 editable twin or single sequences per patch.

•Permanent random sequences generation.

•Temporary random notes generation for user controlled “improvisation”

•Keycontrol with Major and minor scales available.

•Selectable playing percentage for Trails layer.

•Velocity control for Trails layer.

•Requires NI Kontakt 5.5, does not work with Kontakt Player.

Audiofier Vesper v1.1.1 KONTAKT |2.77 Gb

Vesper 是一个双引擎主题 rompler, 针对 "钟声和闪闪的东西" 类型的声音。但是它隐藏了一个强大的 randomiser 引擎, 一个双步排序器和一个 "轨迹层", 增加了每个补丁的议案。

Vesper 来与135声源可加载在2不同的插槽, 加上20的足迹。每个声源是多级和3圆的罗宾斯来。Audiofier 的新的 "智能" Randomiser 功能使它难以置信地容易创建新的声音, 并使预设多余。它也可以回忆过去的 randomisations, 在随机的历史中来回穿梭, 也回忆起过去的随机。

尽管随机引擎在 Vesper 中扮演了很大的角色, 对于最有创造力的制作人来说, Vesper 仍然提供了从零开始创建补丁的可能性, 有多种选择声音来源的方法, 包括分类的声音浏览器, 它能与随机引擎携手, 创造 "正义" 的声音。

继 Sequi2r's 家庭 reverseable 声音功能的成功后, Vesper 提供了一个选项, 以扭转苍蝇的声音, 并调整每个反向声音的长度与 mod 车轮。在 Vesper 中, 您可以选择是否同时播放两个声音源 (单映射模式), 每个键区域一个 (双地图模式), 或者让它随机发生 (随机地图模式), 创造有趣的变化纹理。这两者, 而你在正常模式或步骤排序器模式。用户可以定义键盘区域。


2*1.8 主要声音来源, 加上踪迹声源

•135 + 20 多级, 3 圆的罗宾斯声音

•3.29 GB, 妇女压缩, 超过4900样本


•Master 光泽, 饱和度, 合唱, 2 延迟, Lo fi, 卷积混响。

•Intelligent Randomiser 引擎, 具有撤消历史记录。

•Categorised 浏览器

•Undo 和重做随机多达1000撤消级别

•Undo 级别计数器跳转到所需的撤消级别。

•Single, 双随机地图模式。

•Pan 控制: 加宽和随机

•Twin 步骤排序器, 具有实时录制模式, 自动保存和自动召回。


•Permanent 随机序列生成。

•Temporary 随机音符生成为用户控制的 "即兴创作"

•Keycontrol, 可提供主要和次要的刻度。

•Selectable 在赛道层的播放百分比。

•Velocity 控制为小径层。

•Requires NI Kontakt 5.5, 不与 Kontakt 播放器合作。