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音效下载Echo Sound Works CODA for Serum FXP WAV的图片1

P2P | Sept 02 2017 | 893 MB

The sounds in CODA don't all come from the noise oscillator. We spent months sampling real instruments and then resynthesizing the audio into playable wavetables. We included a Pro Tip tutorial video so you can learn how to harness the power of these unique wavetables. Because a lot of the sounds are generated by wavetables, you have full editing ability and can tweak unison voices, wavetable position and warp modes. This allows you to create and tweak truly hybrid sounds.

CODA is a one of a kind collection of sounds, presets, samples and more, that will help make your productions more unique by simply sounding different.

It's a huge collection of melodic and powerful sounds, presets and samples inspired by orchestral and organic sources. We spent two months sampling cellos, violins, harps, choirs, you name it, we sampled it.


CODA isn't just us slapping a noise sample in the noise oscillator and calling it a preset. We painstakingly resynthesized samples into playable wavetables. This is why we call CODA "hybrid". This gives you the freedom to apply warp modes, FM, Unison and more.

We pushed Serum to it’s absolute limits to bring you the most diverse set of presets. From drop worthy brass patches and ear catching leads to highly creative key patches and lush string presets, this pack has it all. We carefully assigned macros for both synths so you have control over all important elements of any patch.

CODA truly does blur lines between genres and can be used in Future Bass, Trap, Tropical House, House, Future House, Moombahton, Pop, Hip Hop and more.

P2P |2017年9月02日 |893 MB

结尾的声音并非都来自于噪声振荡器。我们花了几个月采样真正的仪器, 然后 resynthesizing 音频进入可播放的 wavetables。我们包括一个专业的提示教程视频, 让您可以学习如何利用这些独特的 wavetables 的力量。因为很多的声音是由 wavetables 产生的, 你有充分的编辑能力, 可以调整统一的声音, 表位置和翘曲模式。这使您能够创建和调整真正的混合声音。

"尾" 是一种声音、预设、样本等的集合, 这将有助于使您的作品更独特, 通过简单的发声不同。

这是一个巨大的旋律和强大的声音, 预设和样本灵感的管弦乐和有机来源的集合。我们花了两个月的采样大提琴, 小提琴, 竖琴, 合唱团, 你的名字, 我们取样。


尾不只是我们在噪声振荡器中拍打一个噪声样本, 并将其称为预设。我们煞费苦心地合成样品进入可播放的 wavetables。这就是为什么我们称之为 "混合" 的结尾。这给你自由应用翘曲模式, 调频, 协调和更多。

我们把血清推向了绝对的极限, 给你带来了最多样的预设。从下降值得黄铜补丁和耳朵捕捉导致高度创造性的关键补丁和郁郁葱葱的字符串预设, 这包有它的所有。我们仔细地为两个合成分配了宏, 因此您可以控制任何修补程序的所有重要元素。

尾真的是模糊的线条之间的流派, 可以用于未来的低音, 陷阱, 热带房子, 房子, 未来的房子, Moombahton, 流行音乐, 嘻哈和更多。