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音效下载Toontrack Superior Drummer 3 Factory Content PART 5的图片1

Toontrack Superior Drummer 3 Factory Content PART 5 | 50.7 Gb

Extra Bleed (The rest of the bleed in the close mics)

Building on the legacy of its predecessor, Superior Drummer 3 was redesigned from the ground up to introduce a completely new and improved workflow, countless added features and an unequalled amount of raw sound material. With Superior Drummer 3, you are in total control. Welcome to the future of drum production.

Bleed: “Extra Bleed” (The rest of the bleed in the close mics). This installation can be installed at anytime after the initial Basic Sound Library.

Building on the legacy of its predecessor, Superior Drummer 3 was redesigned from the ground up to introduce a completely new and improved workflow, countless added features and an unequalled amount of raw sound material. With Superior Drummer 3, you are in total control. Welcome to the future of drum production.

The idea with Superior Drummer 3 is to let you step into a virtual studio with the best possible raw material and mix options at your disposal to create drum sounds in an environment where only your imagination sets the limits. Combining the creative power of the sounds, the ambiences and the extensive set of features, Superior Drummer 3 is more than just a drum sampler – it’s a bottomless well of creativity. It bridges the gap between acoustic and electronic and lets you venture off into completely new sonic landscapes. This is the definitive tool for percussive sound design.

The Superior Drummer 3 core sound library was recorded by award-winning engineer George Massenburg at probably the world’s most quiet and ideal location for sampling, the Galaxy Studios in Belgium. The library boasts captured in extreme detail.
 In additional to close microphones and several ambience positions, the Superior Drummer 3 setup also includes an additional eleven room microphones set up in a surround configuration, for use in anything from stereo to 5.1, 9.1 and all the way up to 11.1 systems. In combination with the large selection of extra instruments added for stacking and sound design purposes, the sounds of Superior Drummer 3 give you an incomparable palette of options to craft drum tones beyond your wildest imagination.

Toontrack 高级鼓手3厂内容5部分 |50.7 Gb

额外出血 (其余的出血在接近的麦克风)

在其前身的遗产, 高级鼓手3重新设计了从地面上引入一个全新的和改进的工作流程, 无数的新增功能和无与伦比的数量的原始音响材料。与高级鼓手 3, 你是完全控制。欢迎来鼓生产的未来。

出血: "额外出血" (其余的出血在接近麦克风)。此安装可在初始基本声音库后随时安装。

在其前身的遗产, 高级鼓手3重新设计了从地面上引入一个全新的和改进的工作流程, 无数的新增功能和无与伦比的数量的原始音响材料。与高级鼓手 3, 你是完全控制。欢迎来鼓生产的未来。

与高级鼓手3的想法是让你步入一个虚拟工作室与最好的原料和混合选项, 在您的处置, 以创造鼓的声音在一个只有你的想象力设置限制的环境。结合声音的创造力, 无和广泛的功能集, 高级鼓手3是不仅仅是一个滚筒采样器-这是一个无底洞的创造力。它弥合了声学和电子之间的鸿沟, 让你冒险进入全新的声波景观。这是撞击声设计的最终工具。

卓越的鼓手3核心酣然的图书馆被记录由获奖工程师乔治 Massenburg 在可能世界的最安静和理想的地点为取样, 银河演播室在比利时。这座图书馆拥有极其详细的馆藏. 在另外的关闭麦克风和几个氛围的位置, 高级鼓手3安装还包括一个额外的十一房间麦克风设置在环绕配置, 用于任何从立体声到 5.1, 9.1 和所有的方式多达11.1 系统。结合大量的选择额外的工具叠加和声音设计的目的, 高级鼓手3的声音给你一个无与伦比的调色板的选择, 以工艺鼓色调超出您的想象。
