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音效下载Truefire David Blacker Lone Wolf Blues DATA-DVD (2012)的图片1

DATA-DVD | 920.35 MB

David Blacker's Lone Wolf Blues examines the techniques and guitar stylings of early acoustic and country blues and explores their influence on the contemporary American Roots scene.

Blacker has invested thousands of hours studying and documenting American Roots guitar music. "Blues is the heart and soul of all great American music. Early blues music sparked an unprecedented individual spirit and distinctly American archetype. One lone voice singing a song and telling a uniquely personal story that connects to the collective heart and mind."

American Roots music is a broad category spanning folk, bluegrass, gospel, jug band, country and of course -- the blues. Lone Wolf Blues drills down on the early stylings of pioneers like Charlie Patton, Robert Johnson and Son House but also examines more contemporary lone wolf artists like Bob Dylan, Neil Young and Johnny Cash. "There's no one particular sound to the Lone Wolf Blues. It's more of a vibe, feeling or an attitude. It has lots of history and deep roots but remains present and fresh."

In Lone Wolf Blues, Blacker demonstrates the key techniques that have been passed down from early blues players to modern day Americana songwriters. You'll learn right-hand picking techniques to keep a bass line going on the low strings while playing an independent melody line on the higher strings. You'll learn Travis Picking where you alternate a bass line between two of the low strings while playing through some complex higher string melody lines.

Blacker will show you the key chord shapes to perform a wide range of early and contemporary stylized pieces, and to fuel your own musical ideas. You'll also work with essential open tunings, from the perspective of a songwriter, to give you a whole new palette of options to work with as a solo guitarist and/or singer-songwriter.

You'll play your way through Lone Wolf Blues -- all of the techniques and fundamentals are taught in context through a series of 20 repertoire-building pieces that introduce you to the wide variety of sounds and styles of American Roots guitar. From down home country and delta blues to folk, bluegrass and even some of the more jazzy tonalities, you'll walk away with a solid bag of American Roots chops.

数据-DVD |920.35 MB

大卫黑的孤狼蓝调审查早期声学和乡村蓝调的技巧和吉他风格, 并探讨他们对当代美国根的影响。

黑已投入数千小时学习和记录美国根吉他音乐。"蓝调是所有伟大的美国音乐的心脏和灵魂。早期的蓝调音乐激发了空前的个人精神和鲜明的美国原型。一个孤独的声音唱一首歌, 讲述一个独特的个人故事, 连接到集体的心和心灵。

美国的根音乐是一个广泛的类别跨越民间, 早熟禾, 福音, 水罐乐队, 国家, 当然-蓝调。孤狼蓝调在早期的风格上演练, 如查理. 巴顿, 罗伯特. 约翰逊和儿子的房子, 但也检查更多当代孤狼艺术家, 如鲍勃·迪伦, 尼尔年轻和约翰尼现金。"没有一个特别的声音, 孤狼蓝调。这更多的是一种氛围、感觉或态度。它有许多历史和深刻的根源, 但仍然存在和新鲜。

在孤狼蓝调中, 黑者展示了从早期蓝调球员传到现代美洲作曲家的关键技术。您将学习右手采摘技巧, 以保持低音线上的低字符串, 而发挥独立的旋律线上的更高的字符串。你会学到崔维斯挑选在两个低音线之间, 当玩通过一些复杂的高弦旋律线。

黑将显示你的关键和弦形状, 以执行广泛的早期和当代程式化的作品, 并为您自己的音乐思想的燃料。你也将与基本的开放 tunings, 从一个歌曲作者的角度, 给你一个全新的选项调色板, 作为一个独奏吉他弹奏者和/或歌手歌曲创作。

你将通过孤独的狼蓝来发挥你的方式--所有的技巧和基本原理都是通过一系列的20种剧目来教你的, 这些作品为你介绍美国根吉他的各种声音和风格。从家乡和三角洲蓝调到民俗, 早熟禾, 甚至一些更爵士乐音调, 你会离开一个坚实的袋子美国根印章。