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音效下载Hollywood Edge Foley Sound Library WAV的图片1

WAV | 873 MB

For the first time ever, we're bringing our sound effects whizzes, swooshes, clunks, squishes, crashes, clashes, bumps, binks, sizzles, creaks, rattles, clinks, cracks and impacts straight to you. The Hollywood Edge introduces its Foley Sound Effects Series -- an unparalleled mix of over 1600 Foley Sound Effects taken directly from Academy Award winning motion pictures, created by top Soundelux designers.

Foley recordists at Soundelux Studios in Hollywood have captured each glass smash, metal wronk, meaty punch, wood crash and sword clash that you hear in all of your favorite movies, and now they want to share some of that movie magic with you.

Originally available on 5 CDs, this library is available as a Download and features the Foley sounds of blunt and edged weapons, fight kicks and punches, metal, glass and wood impacts, casino fx, paper movement and much more. These distinct sounds will allow you to create and sweeten everything from the most intense medieval battle and terrorizing monster footstep to the smallest wood and glass break. From the best Foley sound stage to your own sound library, let The Hollywood Edge bring the movie magic right to you.

Disc 1: Hear the bangs and clangs of metal impacts on disc one in the Foley series. From big ronks to small impacts, experience the eerie metal scrapes and strains, drops and warbles, ricochets and groans of metallic foley.

Disc 2: Listen for the thumps and splinters of wood along with the crashes and shatters of glass in this wood and glass impact disc. From wood falls, splits and bat hits, to glass smashing, window breaking and bulb shattering, this Foley disc will allow you to sweeten everything from bar fights to huge explosions.

Disc 3: Experience the sounds of a medieval battle in the third of this five CD set. From knife draws, sword clanks, wooshes, shield impacts and axe clashes to arrow whistles and flame sizzles, shape your conflict with this extensive battle collection.

Disc 4: Fight to the finish with the fourth disc in the Foley collection. Find the meatiest punch, the best body blow, the heaviest kick, and the most gruesome cracks, crunches, stabs, breaks and falls to sweeten any conflict, from big brawl to minor scuffle.

Disc 5: Round out your Foley effects collection with a catch all disc direct from the Soundelux stages. From a card games and coin jingles, soft kisses and hard hugs, soda fizzles and beer gulps, flag flaps and animal traps to leaves rustling, chains clanking, jewelry jingling and hand shaking, this potpourri of sounds will surely round-out your personal foley library.


• 1680 royalty free sound effects

• Digitally recorded in stereo

• Originally available on 5 CDs, this library is available as a Download

This collection includes:

• Disc One content - Metal Impacts

• Disc Two content - Wood and Glass

• Disc Three content - Medieval Battle Sounds

• Disc Four content - Punches, Kicks and Body Blows

• Disc Five content - General Foley Sounds

WAV |873 MB

有史以来第一次, 我们带来了我们的音效奇才, 嗖, clunks, 出现, 碰撞, 碰撞, 颠簸, 宾克斯, 西索, 作响, 拨浪鼓, 发出, 裂缝和影响直接给你。好莱坞边缘介绍了它的佛利音效系列-一个无与伦比的混合超过1600佛利声效果直接取自奥斯卡获奖电影, 由顶级 Soundelux 设计师创建。

佛利 recordists 在 Soundelux 工作室在好莱坞已经抓获了每一个玻璃粉碎, 金属 wronk, 肉质冲床, 木材坠毁和剑冲突, 你听到你的所有喜爱的电影, 现在他们想分享一些电影魔术与你。

该库最初可用于5张 cd, 可作为下载, 并具有钝和边缘武器的佛利声, 打击踢和拳, 金属, 玻璃和木材的影响, 赌场 fx, 纸张移动和更多。这些不同的声音将允许你创造和甜的一切从最激烈的中世纪战斗和恐吓怪物足迹到最小的木材和玻璃打破。从最佳的佛利声阶段到您自己的声音库, 让好莱坞边缘带来的电影魔术的权利给你。

碟 1: 在佛利系列的第一盘中听到金属撞击的刘海和声。从大的克到小的冲击, 经历了可怕的金属擦伤和应变, 滴和唱, 跳和呻吟的金属佛利。

碟 2: 听木材的捶和碎片, 以及在这个木材和玻璃撞击盘中玻璃的碰撞和粉碎。从木质瀑布, 分裂和蝙蝠命中, 玻璃粉碎, 打破窗户和灯泡粉碎, 这个福利盘将允许你甜的一切从酒吧战斗到巨大的爆炸。

光盘 3: 体验在这五 CD 集的第三个中世纪战斗的声音。从刀画, 剑 clanks, wooshes, 盾冲击和斧头的冲突, 箭头口哨和火焰西索, 塑造您的冲突与此广泛的战斗收集。

盘 4: 战斗到完成与第四盘在佛利汇集。找到 meatiest 拳, 最好的身体打击, 最重的踢, 最可怕的裂缝, 仰卧起坐, 刺伤, 打破和下降, 以使任何冲突, 从大争吵到轻微的扭打。

光盘 5: 圆出您的佛利效果收集与捕捉所有光盘直接从 Soundelux 阶段。从纸牌游戏和硬币顺口溜, 软吻和硬拥抱, 苏打黄和啤酒口, 旗襟翼和动物陷阱树叶沙沙作响, 链叮当, 珠宝叮当作响, 手颤抖, 这混合的声音肯定会 round-out 你的个人福利图书馆。




·最初可在 5 cd 上使用, 此库可作为下载





·光盘四内容-冲床, 踢腿和身体打击
