CG数据库 >> Production Rendering Techniques in Cinema 4D

Production Rendering Techniques in Cinema 4D的图片1Production Rendering Techniques in Cinema 4D

MP4 | Video: 720p | Duration: 2:21:06 | English | Subtitles: VTT | 514.2 MB

This course introduces the many advanced features of the CINEMA 4D rendering and lighting toolsets. Discover how to better simulate real-world surfaces, photography, and lighting scenarios. Author Donovan Keith shows how to add realistic shallow depth-of-field effects with the physical renderer, use blurry reflections to create a type treatment, and light scenes with HDRI photographs and global illumination. Plus, learn tricks for achieving similar effects under tight deadlines.

Topics include:

Modifying depth of field

Animating rack focus

Using blurry transparency to create frosted glass

Understanding global illumination

Setting up HDRI lighting

Optimizing render sampling settings

Preventing over-/underexposure with color mapping

Using negative lights to selectively darken parts of scenes

4D 影院生产渲染技术

MP4 |视频: 720p |持续时间: 2:21:06 |英语 |字幕: VTT |514.2 MB

本课程介绍了电影4D 渲染和照明工具的许多高级功能。了解如何更好地模拟真实世界的表面、摄影和照明场景。作者多诺万基思展示如何添加逼真的浅景深效果与物理渲染器, 使用模糊的反射创造一种类型的治疗, 和灯光场景与 HDRI 照片和全球照明。此外, 学习技巧, 以达到类似的效果, 在严格的期限。






设置 HDRI 照明


