Cinema 4D Essential Training 6 HyperNURB Modeling and Sculpting
MP4 | Video: 720p | Duration: 1:24:19 | English | Subtitles: VTT | 437.8 MB
CINEMA 4D Essentials with Rob Garrott is a graduated introduction to this complex 3D modeling, rendering, and animation program, which breaks down into installments that can be completed within 2 hours. This edition introduces two modeling techniques: HyperNURBS, or subdivision modeling, for creating smooth rounded objects, and sculpting. Rob explains how to set up for each workflow, and how to create basic shapes and then refine them with more detailed tools. The course provides a solid foundation for designers starting to shape their creations in CINEMA 4D.
Topics include:
What are HyperNURBS?
Setting up reference shapes
Creating a shape with the polygonal modeling tools
Connecting shapes and bridging gaps
Refining shapes with knife cuts
Moving points
Working with sculpting layers
Preparing objects for render
电影院4D 基本训练: 6 HyperNURB 建模与雕刻
MP4 |视频: 720p |持续时间: 1:24:19 |英语 |字幕: VTT |437.8 MB
电影院4D 要点与 Rob Garrott 是一个毕业介绍这个复杂的3D 建模, 渲染, 和动画程序, 其中分解成分期付款, 可以在2小时内完成。本版介绍了两种建模技术: HyperNURBS 或细分建模, 用于创建平滑的圆形对象和雕刻。Rob 解释了如何为每个工作流设置, 以及如何创建基本形状, 然后使用更详细的工具对其进行优化。该课程为设计师们提供了一个坚实的基础, 开始塑造他们的创作在电影院4D。
什么是 HyperNURBS?