MP4 | Video: 720p | Duration: 11:11:43 | English | Subtitles: VTT | 1882.7 MB
NUKE NUGGETS Weekly is a series of short 5–10 minute tips and tricks for Nuke compositing. New tips are delivered every Thursday, covering topics such as lighting, color matching, grading, animation, camera moves, interlaced video, cloning, rotoscoping, and more. With NUKE, there are literally hundreds of possibilities. Expert Steve Wright helps you explore a different facet of the program every week, including little known nodes and production tips to help you become a better, more efficient compositor.
What kinds of NUKE tips do you need? Join the Steve Wright's NUKE NUGGETS group on LinkedIn, and post your requests there.
MP4 |视频: 720p |持续时间: 11:11:43 |英语 |字幕: VTT |1882.7 MB
核武器掘金周刊是一系列的短5-10 分钟的技巧和技巧, 核合成。每星期四提供新的提示, 包括照明, 颜色匹配, 评分, 动画, 相机移动, 隔行视频, 克隆, rotoscoping 等主题。有了核武器, 就有数以百计的可能性。专家史蒂夫赖特帮助您探索不同方面的计划, 每周, 包括鲜为人知的节点和生产技巧, 以帮助您成为一个更好, 更有效的组合。
你需要什么类型的核弹?加入史蒂夫赖特的核掘金小组在 LinkedIn, 并张贴您的要求。