Advanced | 3h 45m | 695 MB | Project Files | Software used: Maya
Title: Lynda – Maya Bifröst: Fluids
Info: Bifröst for Maya 2018 includes many welcome updates to the liquid simulation plugin, Bifröst Fluids. With Maya 2018. 1, Arnold supports exciting new ways to render fluids in better fidelity without heavy mesh caches. This course takes an overview of simulating liquids in Bifröst and rendering in Arnold. For convincing materials, instructor Aaron F. Ross shows how to extract fluid dynamics data such as vorticity and apply it in an Arnold shading network. To finish the exploration of fluids, he takes a look at Bifröst foam, which generates secondary particles from the main fluid.
高级 |3h 45m |695 MB |项目文件 |使用的软件: 玛雅
标题: 琳–玛雅 Bifröst: 液体
信息: Bifröst 为玛雅2018包括许多欢迎更新的液体模拟插件, Bifröst 流体。与玛雅人2018。1, 阿诺德支持令人兴奋的新方法, 使液体更逼真, 没有沉重的网状缓存。本课程概述了模拟液体在 Bifröst 和渲染在阿诺德。对于令人信服的材料, 讲师亚伦 f. 罗斯展示了如何提取流体动力学数据, 如涡度, 并将其应用于阿诺德遮阳网。为了完成流体的勘探, 他看了 Bifröst 泡沫, 它从主流体中产生二次粒子。