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Duration 2h 37m With Project Files MP4

3ds Max Shading and Texturing Fundamentals


Have you ever wanted to create your own realistic or stylized materials in 3ds Max? In this course, 3ds Max Shading and Texturing Fundamentals, you’ll dive into the material editor and material creation. First, you’ll discover what a shader is. Next, you’ll explore procedural vs. bitmapped maps. Then, you’ll learn how to create materials such as glass and wood. Finally, you’ll cover working with the compact vs. the slate material editor. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to create your own realistic materials and be very familiar with the material editor and it’s different modes. Although some aspects of this course are specific to 3ds Max 2018 (such as the Slate material editor) the rest of the course can be applied to any version of 3ds Max. Software required: 3ds Max 2018

时间2h 37m项目文件的MP4



你有没有想过在3ds马克斯创建自己的现实主义或程式化的材料?在这个过程中,3ds马克斯阴影和纹理基本原理,你将深入到材料编辑器和材料创作。首先,你会发现着色器是什么。接下来,您将探索程序与位图贴图。然后,您将学习如何创建材料,如玻璃和木材。最后,您将介绍使用紧凑版和板岩材质编辑器的工作。在本课程结束时,您将能够创建自己的现实材料,并非常熟悉材料编辑器,它是不同的模式。虽然本课程的某些方面是特定于3ds Max 2018(如板岩材料编辑器),其余的课程可以适用于任何版本的3ds Max软件需要:3ds max 2018。