CG数据库 >> 3dsmax快速建造桥梁Building Bridges

3dsmax快速建造桥梁Building Bridges的图片1



该场景最低配置3DS Max 2011,RailClone Pro,RailClone Lite


Many types of Bridge are easy to create with RailClone's linear generator. In this Tips and Tricks episode we look at two ways to create a bridge with a typical beam construction. In the first part of this tutorial we'll build a fixed-height style that's compatible with RailClone Lite. In the second part we'll use RailClone Pro to create a bridge with a deck that is able to deform on the Z axis with piers that automatically scale to support it.

By completing this tutorial you will be able to:

Use the start, end, default and evenly inputs of an L1S generator in RailClone Lite.

Create an expression in the Arithmetic operator using XSplineCoords to extract the Z height of the spline at a given segment position.

Create a 3 part bridge pillar that automatically scales between the Z coordinate of the RailClone object and the Z position on the X Spline to allow for a deck with a varying height.

Use automatic box mapping.