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Best Service Emotional Cello v1.1 KONTAKT | 5.65 Gb
Emotional Cello is a new kind of virtual instrument, created by Harmonic Subtones to be used with Native Instrument's Kontakt 5 Player. Because of its powerful and simultaneously exceptional emotional sound, it opens up previously unknown verbal dimensions for the work with samples. Emotional Cello is the perfect instrument for film-scoring, pop-production, song-writing, classic and modern avant-garde cello compositions. This unique virtual instrument shines by its impressive number of articulations, its direct uncolored sound quality, unusual play techniques and innovative rebowing.
Emotional Cello has been recorded in the Mastermix Studio, Unterföhring/Germany. The instrument has been carefully mic'ed in a wood-paneled room with high ceilings and highest possible wall distance. Microphone recordings were performed intentionally close using two Neumann models KM184 and U47, preserving a discreet portion of the room's excellent acoustics. At the same time, the close mic'ing technique easily allows external processing, e.g. to accomplish an overall ambience for the mix. Just as needed, the integrated convolution reverb of the Kontakt 5 Player or the pure unprocessed original sounds can be used.
Emotional offers three true legato master-patches: Normal, Sulponticello and Harmonics. These contain about 80% of all recorded articulations, which are logically interconnected using advanced scripting. For example: A note being played in the beginning will sound perfectly natural because the chosen sample will also be a first note of the source recordings. The same goes for legato- and sustained notes: All samples originate from a corresponding context of the original recordings.
Approximately 50 additional single-patches contain a selected articulation each. Choices range from simple sustain-patches to dynamic crossfades between four layers. These patches are useful for producers preferring to arrange different articulations on different MIDI tracks instead of switching these by key switches. To achieve highest authenticity and liveliness, the patches offer four round-robin-samples for long notes and up to eight for short notes.
最好的服务| Kontakt 5.65 GB的情感大提琴V1.1
情感的大提琴是一个新的虚拟仪器,通过谐波subtones创建用于本土仪器的Kontakt 5运动员。由于其强大的,同时异常的情感声音,它开辟了以前未知的口头与样本的工作。情感的大提琴是电影配乐,完美的乐器的流行歌曲的创作,生产,经典的前卫和现代大提琴作品。这种独特的虚拟仪器照的数目可观的关节,它直接本色的声音质量,发挥技术创新的rebowing异常。
情感的大提琴已经记录在MasterMix工作室,unterföhring /德国。该仪器已仔细mic'ed在木制的高高的天花板和墙壁的距离尽可能高的房间。麦克风录音使用两个诺伊曼模型km184和U47故意接近完成,保持房间的声学谨慎的部分。同时,密切mic'ing技术很容易使外部处理,如进行组合的一个整体气氛。需要的只是,Kontakt 5运动员或纯粹的未经加工的原始声音集成卷积混响可以用。