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PreSonus Acoustic Drum Loops Vol 2 for StudioOne | 2.2 Gb

PreSonus is shipping three new Studio One Add-on soundsets of acoustic drum loops: Studio One Acoustic Drum Loops, Vol. 2; Studio One Acoustic Drum Loops Pro, Multitrack Edition; and Studio One Complete Acoustic Drum Loops.

These drum performances, recorded in a state-of-the-art studio with world-class microphones, are ready to use in stereo or multitrack format. Each style is an entire library of matching loops that can be arranged to fit any song form, just as a real drummer would play them, and includes individual loops for verses, bridges, choruses, fills, and variations.

The multitrack loops contain separate tracks for kick, snare, hi-hat, toms, overhead mics, room mics, and ambient mics so you can mix and edit to taste. Studio One Acoustic Drum Loops, Vol. 2, includes stereo loops in multiple genres, including: Acoustic/Earthy, Blues/Reggae, Country, Jazz, Metal, R&B/Funk, and Rock/Pop. Studio One Acoustic Drum Loops Pro, Multitrack Edition delivers the same sets as multitrack drum loops and also provides multitrack versions of some of the best loops from Volume 1.

Platform: StudioOneSoundset


它的声学鼓循环2卷为studioone | 2.2 GB

PreSonus是航运三个新的Studio One添加soundsets声学鼓循环:工作室一声鼓环,第2卷;工作室一声鼓环亲,多道版;工作室和一个完整的声学鼓循环。


多轨环包含踢,单独的轨道军鼓,镲,汤姆,头顶上的麦克风,房间麦克,麦克和环境所以你可以混合和编辑的味道。工作室一声鼓环,第2卷,包括立体循环在多个流派,包括:声学/泥土,蓝调/雷鬼,国家,爵士,金属,R & B / Funk,流行/摇滚。工作室一声鼓环亲,多道版提供相同的设置多道鼓环,还提供了一些从卷1最佳环轨的版本。

