CG数据库 >> Native Instruments Kore v2.0 VSTi RTAS HYBRID DVDR REPACK-DYNAMiCS

Native Instruments Kore v2.0 VSTi RTAS HYBRID DVDR REPACK-DYNAMiCS的图片1

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Team DYNAMiCS | 03/03/2008 | 3.15 GB

KORE 2 is the Super Instrument – a powerful software / hardware system with a versatile library of more than 500 production-ready sounds with over 3,000 sound variations, plus over 100 effect settings. Find, play, and tweak sounds with unprecedented speed, power and ease.

KORE 2 features six integrated sound engines, a dedicated hardware controller, and the ultra-fast KoreSound® browser. Additionally, KORE 2 is infinitely expandable with the KORE SOUNDPACKS, KOMPLETE 5 or any other Audio Unit™/VST®-plug-in.

Production-ready sound library

KORE 2 produces cutting-edge sounds right from the start based on the integrated sound engines of REAKTOR, MASSIVE, ABSYNTH, FM8, KONTAKT and GUITAR RIG. The versatile sound library covers production-ready sounds of nearly all kinds - ranging from band and orchestral instruments to synthesizers, drums, soundscapes and sound effects. Every included sound provides up to 8 sound variations which can be morphed using the unique morphing pad or the KORE controller - intricate sonic transitions are at your fingertips!

Fast and easy access to sounds

KORE 2 makes finding the desired sound a breeze - simply choose an instrument type and its musical characteristics in the new and expanded KoreSound® Browser or use the text search function.

Analog-style control

In KORE 2, software generated sound acquires the tactile feel of hardware. The KORE Controller's high resolution, touch-sensitive controls guarantee tangibly direct analog-style sound manipulation. All library sounds have been pre-mapped for immediate hands on tweak-ability.

Top Features

* Unified software / hardware system to instantly find, play and control sounds

* Includes sound engines* from REAKTOR, MASSIVE, ABSYNTH, FM8, KONTAKT and GUITAR RIG with 500 unique KoreSounds®

* Sound Variations enrich every KoreSound with up to 8 variations that can be morphed into each other

* Perfectly integrated hardware controller for analog-style sound control and complete software navigation

* Loads Audio Unit™- and VST®-plug-ins with easy preset import for immediate use

* Ultra-fast KoreSound®-Browser lets you find any sound according to its musical attributes

* Drag and Drop user interface for a fast and inspiring workflow that liberates creativity

* 30 top quality effects ranging from classic to inspiring creative tools

* Powerful routing/layering possibilities based on a highly flexible audio and MIDI signal flow

* Built-in Arpeggiator and Step Sequencer with real-time control

* Preconfigured for smooth use with KOMPLETE 5


KORE 2 as a host loads:

VST®, Audio Units™

KORE 2 as a instrument or effect plug-in runs:

Stand-alone, VST®, Audio Units™, RTAS® under Pro Tools 7™

System Requirements

Mac OSX 10.4.x / 10.5, G5 1.8 GHz or Intel® Core™ Duo 1.66 GHz, 1 GB RAM

Win XP / Vista (32 Bit), Pentium / Athlon 1.4 GHz, 1 GB RAM

USB 2.0 Port, 5 GB free disk space.

团队动力学| 03/03/2008年3.15 | GB

韩国超级–2 is the powerful(软件/硬件系统与多才多艺的Library of超过500的生产准备的声音与声音的变化过3000 Plus的过效,100 settings。find,播放声音的速度,和tweak与unprecedented,电力和轻松。

2发动机的声音特点是在dedicated六集成控制器,硬件,和超快速koresound®浏览器。additionally Kore 2膨胀,infinitely is with the soundpacks可利,komplete 5或任何其他音频/ vst®unit™插件。


有2 produces模切边权声the start of the集成基于发动机声音协会,absynth fm8,现代化,大规模,和吉他钻机。茶叶生产covers多才多艺的声音声音图书馆准备从各种各样的临床学院近-带和orchestral to synthesizers仪器,drums,soundscapes和声音效果。每一个包括声音声音的变化8提供了独特的morphed using the which can be or the可利morphing垫控制器-复杂的声波是在* * * * transitions你!


2韩国教育的声音让微风-测距the choose an(简单型的特点和其在新的和扩大的音乐搜索使用浏览器或koresound®the text函数。


韩国软件2,声音acquires generated of the tactile感觉的硬件。高分辨率controller'茶可利,触摸敏感控制tangibly担保直接类比式音效处理。图书馆的声音一直在我的手立即在线预mapped for tweak能力。


*统一的软件/硬件系统和控制instantly to find,播放声音

*包括*从发动机声音协会,absynth fm8,现代化,大规模,和独特的koresounds®吉他钻机与500

*丰富的变化与声音的变化,每一koresound that can be up to 8 morphed into each other

* perfectly集成控制器硬件和声音控制模式提供完整的导航软件

* loads unit™vst®音频插件和插件与即时使用预置换易进出口


拖动拖放用户界面和*快速和inspiring for a liberates工作流,创造力


* powerful路由/壳层对基于柔性的音频和MIDI信号在高密度流


*预先使用与komplete for光滑5


主机:2 loads可利as a


可利(or as a 2插件运行效果:

独立的音频,vst®,units™岁,rtas®Pro Tools 7™


G5的Mac OSX 10.5 GHz 10.4.x /,或intel®1.66 GHz core™垛,1 GB的RAM

Win XP / Vista(32位),Athlon Pentium/1.4 GHz,1 GB RAM

GB的USB 2.0端口,5自由磁盘空间。