CG数据库 >> Cinesamplеs Drums Of War 2 KONTAKT

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Cinesamplеs Drums Of War 2 KONTAKT | 3.02 Gb

Drums of War 2 is the newest member to the Cinesamplеs percussion family, and its parents are beaming. Following in the scope of the original Drums of War this new volume takes a different approach to achieving massive-percussive impact. Whereas the paramount concept of DOW 1 was recording huge orchestral drums in a huge space this time we used specific instrumentation/production techniques to achieve our result. DOW 2 contains entirely new sample content and entirely new instruments those which we have never sampled before. The foundation of this library being the mighty taikos.

The hallmark of this library lies within the recordings. DOW 2 utilizes a combination close/stage mix with wonderfully rich character a driving, powerful tone. If you could use one word to describe this sound it would most certainly be tight. But the real magic lies in whats going on in the stereo field. DOW 2 uses double, triple, and quadruple tracking mapped down to one sample and therefore one key allowing you to trigger this labor intensive studio-process which a single keystroke. Aside from being an ultimate timesaver, its also like having a renowned professional percussionist and mixer sitting in on your track. Each sample contains that delightful mini-flamming (without phasing) from the percussionist and that ultra-balanced wide panorama from the mixer. If you like to construct your own layers we've made the solo patches available too.

All DOW 2 percussion was sampled in 24/48 with the best gear, in a fantastic Los Angeles studio, by one of Hollywood's most in-demand percussionists. Everything recorded with 10xRR and up to 10 velocity layers.

* Chang Chang

* Djun Djuns*

* Doumbek

* Frame Drums*

* Gong

* Hang Drum

* Kissing Fish Shaker

* Metals

* Mixing Bells

* Mondo Toms*

* One Shot Shaker

* Shime Daikos*

* Sub Boom

* Tabla

* Taikos*

* ensemble patches containing 2-4 sub patches + ensemble patches

cinesamplеs鼓2 GB的接触是| 3.0

鼓是一个新成员2 cinesamplеs打击乐和其家庭,父母是beaming。在以下的范围是在原鼓卷需要一本新的不同的方法实现大规模的冲击的冲击。而在派拉蒙的大概念. 1)是记录在一本巨大的空间鼓管弦乐时我们使用特异性仪表/生产技术实现的结果。包含的新内容. 2完全被这些新仪器和样品采样,我们从来没有说过。本库的基础taikos是强大的

在这附近的图书馆阅读和录音。服务组合. 2 a close /舞台和丰富的混合驱动wonderfully字符a,强大的音。如果你可以用一个字描述这个声音是肯定是最紧张的。但真正的魔术去读whats在立体声场。道琼斯2使用的双,三和四,跟踪到一个映射的样品,因此让你一键触发本实验室这一单流程集约工作室学习。除了其作为最终的timesaver样,所以有一著名的专业打击乐和混频器的坐在你的轨道。每个样本包含那可爱的迷你喷火(无相)和打击乐和超宽全景从平衡混频器。如果你想构建自己的层,我们已经用独奏补丁可用太。

在所有采样的冲击. 2什么是最好的齿轮24/48,在一个美妙的洛杉矶好莱坞的工作室,由一个在percussionists的需求。我们记录的10xrr和多达10个的速度层。


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * djun djuns

* doumbek

* * * * * * * *架鼓






汤姆* *世界


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * daikos传世



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * taikos
