CG数据库 >> sound DUST Rubber Bass KONTAKT

sound DUST Rubber Bass KONTAKT的图片1

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sound DUST Rubber Bass KONTAKT | 71.1 MB

Rubber Bass is sampled from a funny little Kala ukulele bass. It's about the size of a kid's guitar and has big fat rubber strings which are a nightmare to tune. It's not very loud acoustically but when DI'd, it has a wonderful round, rubbery bottom end with a lovely hint of twang which belies its tiny stature. Its a little bit double bassy, but essentially has a character all of its own. It's not likely to be your go-to-bass sound , but for certain things it is bloody marvelous!

低音声尘接触的橡胶| 71.1 MB

有趣的是,从一橡胶低音四弦琴的采样小卡拉低音。它的大小和一个孩子的吉他大发橡胶字符串这是安切洛蒂的噩梦来调整。它不是很响亮,但当声波迪D,它是圆的,rubbery底端是一个可爱的小提示(twang stature belies ITS。它的一双小位bassy,但基本都有自己的字符。它可能会进入你的低音的声音,但它是血腥的一些奇妙的事情!