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TheaRender v1.3.05.1085 with Plugins for 3ds Max/Cinema4D/Rhino/Sketchup | 7.07 GB
Thea Render is a state-of-the-art Biased Unbiased and GPU renderer with a rich set of innovative features a powerful material system and its own advanced studio all-in-one.
Huge Collection of User created Materials for Thea Render | 6.61 GB
Physically-based unbiased and biased render engine Thea Render is a physically-based global illumination renderer of high quality. It is a unique renderer that is able to render using state of the art techniques in both biased photorealistic and unbiased modes.
与最大/Cinema4D/犀牛/都会为之着迷 3ds 的插件 TheaRender v1.3.05.1085 |7.07 GB
西娅渲染是先进的偏向中性,GPU 渲染器具有一套丰富的创新功能强大的物质系统和其自身先进的工作室所有-在-一。
庞大的集合的用户创建材料 Thea 渲染 |6.61 GB
基于物理模型的无偏和偏置渲染引擎 Thea 渲染是基于物理模型的全局光照渲染器的高质量。它是一个独特的渲染器能够使用最先进的技术,在两种有偏见的真实感和无偏的模式呈现。