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RichDirt 2 RichScene MAX 2011-2013 iND
Plugin | 3ds max | 21.37 MB
RichDirt ® is a fast and easy way to enRich your renderings by adding simple and advanced dirt effects and give them a dramatically real look. Now you can age your 3D surfaces and give them a stained real look just the way dust, rain and water flows affect the look of actual buildings.
RichDirt 2 RichScene MAX 2011-2013 年 iND
插件 |3ds max |21.37 MB
RichDirt ® 是快速和容易的方式,通过添加简单和高级的污垢效果丰富你的渲染,给他们大大真正看。现在你可以年龄你 3D 曲面,并给他们一把沾真正看起来只是方式尘埃、 雨和水的流动影响实际建筑物的外观。