CG数据库 >> Mainframe North MASH for Maya 2012-2016 v3.3.2 (WinMacLnx)

Mainframe North MASH for Maya 2012-2016 v3.3.2 (WinMacLnx)的图片1

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Mainframe North MASH for Maya 2012-2016 v3.3.2 (Win/Mac/Lnx) | 83 Mb (in Total)

MASH is a suite of 27 Maya nodes developed in-house at Mainframe aimed at enabling our artists to create versatile ‘motion design’ style animations. It offers a selection of effector nodes which can be daisy chained together to generate a wide variety of customisable effects. It’s fully controllable from both Maya’s Attribute and Node Editors.

MASH is entirely procedural meaning everything is live in the viewport. Want to increase the noise on your instances? Just adjust the values in Maya’s Attribute Editor and see your changes immediately. No waiting for simulations.

Whether you’re into modelling, animation, mo-graph, environments, particles, vfx, graphics or audio MASH will have something useful for you.

MASH is compatible with Maya 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 for OSX 10.7+, Windows (64-bit) and Linux CentOS 6.5 (Maya 2015+ only).

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玛雅人 2012年-2016 年 v3.3.2 (赢/Mac/Lnx) 的大型机北饲料 |83 mb (总数)

饲料是 27 玛雅节点在大型机旨在使我们的艺术家打造多功能 '运动设计' 风格动画在内部开发一套。它提供了选择的效应器节点可以是黛西链接在一起以生成各种各样的可定制的影响。它是从玛雅的属性和节点编辑完全可控。


无论你到建模,动画,莫图、 环境、 粒子、 特效、 图形或音频的饲料会有一些有用的东西给你。

饲料是与玛雅人 2012,2013年,2014 年和 2015 年的 OSX 10.7 +,(64 位) Windows 和Linux CentOS 6.5 (玛雅 2015年 + 只) 兼容。
