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制片人循环欣快令人振奋的恍惚状态下册 |繁多 |2.27 GB
'感心境愉快与令人振奋的恍惚 Vol 2 是在高能量恍惚施工成套产品本畅销系列最新作。此集合结合超然盛传的欣快的恍惚与旨在把你送到一个更高的境界的欢天喜地氛围,鼓舞速 8 & 选项卡、 以上 & 超越和安德鲁雷耶尔和塞满了 pro 功能。这产生的最高标准,是必须拥有的生产商希望创建他们的下一步 138 风格俱乐部打。
将你恍惚的作品提升到平流层与空灵却切中要害工程成套此集合。'感心境愉快与令人振奋的恍惚 Vol 2' 结合更宁静的元素来创建一个样式,是一次充满活力和欢天喜地出现代恍惚的尖端声音。
硬低音贝斯柔和,有郁郁葱葱的垫、 锐减琶音和深弦进阶所有走到一起,使你真正重要的产品,当然是不害怕的 138。今天 '欣 & 令人振奋的恍惚 Vol 2' 把你的手。
阅读找出有关的专业的功能,包括尾巴/释放循环和 MIDI 文件集的详细信息。
MIDI 文件包括:
像很多其他生产者循环产品,' 欣 & 令人振奋的恍惚 Vol 1' 包含每个工具包,使您可以无缝地拌入你最喜欢的合成器和取样器在包中包含的声音中听到过的音乐短语绝大多数的 MIDI 文件。
MIDI 的优点:
虽然所提供的酸/苹果循环/雷克斯内容是非常灵活和强大,MIDI 已经同意让你去走极端的音高和节奏循环被最初记录之外,没有时间拉伸或变调文物的额外的好处。此外,您可以调整到即兴重复段以便他们完全融入您现有的混合。
为用户寻找简单地拖放,湿身文件包含的所有效果处理听到的音频演示。但生产商希望创建自己的影响充分混合,'干' 循环也被包括在内。不喜欢湿的循环吗?没问题,添加自己的效果。
Unlooped 即兴重复段/尾:
此示例库还带有 unlooped 的尾巴版本允许您结束带有混响/延迟应用于循环中,另一个"生产者循环"独家产品功能的衰变的短语。
在本产品中的循环都是 100%免版税 (包括声乐的循环),所以一旦购买,你可以使用这些循环在你的商业版本中而无需支付任何隐藏的费用。
• 5 工程成套
• 酸化 WAV 文件
• 苹果循环/AIFF 文件
• REX2 循环
• 原因重填
• 循环同步到 BPM
• 48 kHz/24 位
• PC 和 Mac 兼容
• 免版税 (没有例外)
Producer Loops Euphoric Uplifting Trance Vol.2 | MULTiFORMAT | 2.27 GB
'Euphoric & Uplifting Trance Vol 2' is the latest instalment in this best-selling series of high energy Trance Construction Kit products. Combining the transcendent vibe of Euphoric Trance with a blissed-out vibe designed to transport you to a higher plane, this collection is inspired by Super8 & Tab, Above & Beyond and Andrew Rayel and is packed full of pro features. Produced to the highest standard, this is a must-have for producers looking to create their next 138 style club hit.
Elevate your Trance productions into the stratosphere with this collection of ethereal yet hard-hitting Construction Kits. 'Euphoric & Uplifting Trance Vol 2' combines the cutting-edge sound of modern Trance with more serene elements to create a style that is at once energetic and blissed out.
Hard basslines, lush pads, mind-expanding arpeggios and deep chord progressions all come together to bring you a truly essential product that is certainly not afraid of 138. Get your hands on 'Euphoric & Uplifting Trance Vol 2' today.
Read on to find out more about the professional feature set including tail/release loops and MIDI files.
MIDI Files Included:
Like so many other Producer Loops products, 'Euphoric & Uplifting Trance Vol 1' includes MIDI files for the majority of musical phrases heard in each Kit, allowing you to seamlessly mix your favourite synths and samplers with the sounds contained in the pack.
Advantages of MIDI:
While the supplied ACID/Apple Loops/REX content is extremely flexible and powerful, MIDI has the added benefit of allowing you to go to extremes of pitch and tempo beyond which the loops were originally recorded, with no time stretching or pitch shifting artefacts. Furthermore, you can make tweaks to the riffs so they fit perfectly into your existing mixes.
Dry/Wet Loops:
For users looking to simply drag and drop, the 'wet' files contain all of the effects processing heard in the audio demos. But for producers looking to create their own effects mix, 'dry' loops are also included. Don't like the wet loops? No problem, add your own effects.
Unlooped Riffs/Tails:
This sample library also comes with unlooped/tail versions allowing you to end a phrase with the decay of the reverb/delay applied to the loop, another "Producer Loops" exclusive product feature.
All of the loops in this product are 100% Royalty-Free (including the vocal loops), so once purchased, you can use these loops in your commercial releases without having to pay any hidden costs.
• 5 Construction Kits
• ACIDized WAV Files
• Apple Loops/AIFF Files
• REX2 Loops
• Reason ReFill
• Loops sync to BPM
• 48 kHz/24-Bit
• PC/Mac Compatible
• Royalty-Free (No Exceptions)