CG数据库 >> Maya3D 动画游戏视觉特效

Maya3D 动画游戏视觉特效的图片1

Title: Udemy – Make 3D Animation Games VFX – Making Sense of Maya


This unique Maya course includes over 9 hours of video and 60 pages of written step-by-step printable instruction PDFs, one for each of the 35 videos, a bonus my students have always valued.

“Making Sense of Maya” is designed to do just that. This uniquely organized Maya course is designed to be done in the order listed, building skills in an intuitive and comfortable progression through the Autodesk Maya program.

More than an introduction, “Making Sense of Maya” not only teaches skills to the beginner, it also demonstrates workflows with several projects throughout the course, culminating in a final project that combines assets from previous projects into a fully animated, custom scene.

This course will give you a solid foundation in Maya and the understanding needed to approach and create your own projects leading you down the path to either a fulfilling hobby or on your way to a new career!

标题: Udemy — — 做 3D 动画游戏视觉特效 — — 制作意义上的玛雅人


这个独特的玛雅课程包括超过 9 个小时的视频和 60 页的书面分步可打印指令 Pdf 的 35 部作品,每个我的学生一向珍视的奖金。


更多介绍,"制作的玛雅的感觉"不只是教技能对于新手来说,它还演示了几个项目在整个过程中,工作流将从以前的项目资产组合成一个完全动画、 自定义的场景的最后项目中达到高潮。
