CG数据库 >> cmiVFX - Fusion Microbe

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cmiVFX - Fusion Microbe

cmiVFX proudly brings you a brand new video course that will take you on an exciting journey all the way through the process of creating a microbe-style shot in Fusion's 3D space.

Together, we will explore Fusion's deformation tools, shaders, particle effects, and more. We will create custom sprites and learn how to use color grading in our shots to convey different looks and feelings through various styles and techniques.


脸部自豪地为您带来全新的视频课程,将带你一路通过创建微生物风格在融合的 3D 太空中拍摄的过程令人兴奋的旅程。

在一起,我们将探索融合的变形工具、 着色、 粒子效果,和更多。我们将创建自定义的精灵,并学习如何使用颜色分级在我们的镜头来传达不同的外观和感觉通过各种风格和技巧。