一款PDF阅读和编辑软件,用户通过这款PDF可以轻松阅读和制作PDF,软件支持浏览、合并PDF和图像文件,删除,旋转和重新组织网页等等多种实用功能为一体,功能与知名PDF软件Adobe Acrobat基本相同,在Adobe Acrobat上进行的操作基本上都可以在Movavi PDF Editor 软件上实现。支持同时打开并浏览多个PDF文档,可以在新的页面查看最近浏览过的文件或者打开新的PDF文件,查看PDF文件更加方便、快速。支持以PNG或JPG格式打开图片,另外,用户可以从Word,Excel,Photoshop或AutoCAD将文档、图像和项目导出为PDF格式,然后再这款PDF阅读器上打开并浏览它们,是一款非常不错的PDF阅读器。
Languages: Multilingual | File size: 29 MBВ
Looking for a PDF reader for Mac with good editing tools? Most of the software for Mac that you can find online for download is not that great. Free desktop apps usually lack advanced options and have inadequate formatting tools, and higher-quality paid programs can be out of the question because of their high price.
Release Notes
Fixed some minor bugs
Supported Operation Systems:
OS X 10.9 or later 64-bit
发布日期: 2019-09-17