CG数据库 >> DBConvert for FoxPro and MSSQL 4.6.8

DBConvert For FoxPro转MSSQL 是一款专业的数据库引擎工具,虽然和业界领先的数据库引擎relatioanal彼此非常相似,但是他们并不完全相同,在人工数据传输过程是一个耗时的困难的工作,也很容易在迁移后的目的地的错误,而小编带来的这款DBConvert是万能型的,可以转换成各种类型.

File size: 28.1 MB

DBConvert for FoxPro and MSSQL provides a powerful and comfortable way to convert and sync data from MS Visual FoxPro databases (.dbc) and MS Visual FoxPro free tables (.dbf) to Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Azure SQL databases.

Product Highlights

Bi-directional synchronization between MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL

Ability to select TCP/IP, PIPE, IPX/SPX communications protocols

MS Visual FoxPro free tables support

Amazon RDS SQL Server DB Instance support

Speed conversion with Bulk and Quantization features

MS SQL Server (Express) 2000/2005/2008/2008 R2/2012/2014/2016, SQL Azure support

Saving data into a MS SQL Dump for export to MS SQL database

Views conversion from MS SQL to MySQL and Oracle and back support

MS SQL schemes support

Quantization feature

Saving data into a MS Visual FoxPro Program file for export to MS Visual FoxPro database

Product Requirements

Necessary privileges to write into database on the target MS SQL server (this requirement is optional as there is an option to overcome the restrictions using dump file)

MS Visual FoxPro version 9.0 and early, e.g. FoxPro 2.6

Whats New:

Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version



DBConvert for FoxPro and MSSQL 4.6.8的图片1

发布日期: 2019-04-26