CG数据库 >> Writer's Blocks

File Size: 29.3 MB

Writer's Blocks is a powerful tool that will help you get your ideas out of your head and onto the page faster than ever before. Writer’s Blocks combines its powerful visual outlining tools with an integrated full-featured word processor. So from your first spark of genius to your final rewrite, you’ll be more productive with Writer’s Blocks.

New Features:

Organize in Rows or Columns

Previous versions of Writer’s Blocks have allowed you to organize your information in columns with each column having an editable heading. Writer’s Blocks 5 allows you to organize your information in columns or rows.

Transpose Columns and Rows

Writer's Blocks 5 allows you to gain a new perspective on your work by viewing your information as or rows or columns. You can transpose your blocks form Columns to Rows or back with a single click.

Full screen mode

The new user interface lets you hide the menus and maximize your block and/or manuscript panels. You can also display only the menu tabs and hide the ribbon buttons to increase your display space.........

Writer's Blocks的图片1

发布日期: 2019-04-29