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MSC Sinda 2013的图片1

MSC Sinda


它来源于美国航天工业,已有40多年的研发历史。该软件主要用于温度场和热控制计算,是基于集总参数和热阻—热容节点网络,采用有限差分数值方法设计开发的专业热分析软件,包括大量计算求解器、库函数和开放式的用户开发环境。新加了快速视角系数计算模块SINDARad,与传统辐射求解器相比,该模块可以快速求解多达数万个面的视角系数,另外一种新方法已经集成入产品中,已替代会产生大量辐射导体的传统方法,从而使MSC Sinda 运行具有超亿的视角系数的模型。20 多年来,


Sinda 成功地解决了航天、汽车和电子学领域中的最复杂的热技术难题。该软件自1982年起成为美国工业标准以来,已广泛应用于全球数百家公司(包括美国NASA、Lockheed、Boeing、Chrysler和TRW等著名企业或部门),并于1996年进入中国。目前已成功地应用于我国载人航天工程和多颗卫星、载荷的热设计。


Sinda 的主要技术特点·采用有限差分法、集总参数法和热阻—热容网络法·具有快速视角系数计算功能·完善的稀疏矩阵求解·节点连接和断开控制能力·模拟单相热泵和半导体制冷特性·建立传导、对流和辐射耦合热模型·建立包含复杂相变过程的模型,如材料的融化和升华等·输入功率可以进行恒温控制并可带有滞后效应·模拟各种热管和控温仪的控制过程·Fortran 和 Sinda 命令混合使用以完全实现用户控制·与其它辐射热分析软件的完美接口·可用表格或曲线的形式描述随时间或温度变化的参数·建立单相不可压缩流体模型·完善的对流换热库,可耦合求解流体换热问题·开、闭环流体回路的耦合换热问题·涉及到泵、阀门和管道的流体换热问题. 具备多种建模工具

MSC Sinda 2013 | 390.0 mb

MSC Software Corporation, the leader in multidiscipline simulation solutions that accelerate product innovation, announced the new release of Sinda 2013, advanced thermal analysis system. This release has been upgraded to support the latest FlexLM license manager, and a few small bugs were fixed.

Sinda is a thermal analyzer that has been extensively used in a wide range of successful space programs including Astra, ERS 1-2, Gomos, Mars Express, Silex, Soho, and across multiple industries including Aerospace, Automotive, and Electronics.

Sinda uses a conductor-capacitor network representation approach to thermal analysis that offers numerous benefits when solving thermal problems. Sinda goes beyond other solutions by also providing a powerful thermal programming language, enabling engineers to construct complex thermal scenarios that would otherwise be difficult or impossible with other analyzers.

The flexibility of Sinda is extended even more with integration to a wide number of thermal modeling tools including Patran, SimXpert, SindaRad, THERMICA, Thermal Studio and Visio.

New Feature Summary

SINDA 2013 for Patran Translator and Patran GUI

- Environment Simulation Module – Comprehensive GUI was added to Patran to allow for realistic solar heating simulations on the Earth using Sinda

and Thermica. These simulations use a US government worldwide weather database to model realistic terrestrial solar heating, including effects of

cloudiness, convection, and both direct & diffuse solar heating. Applications include some of the following.

- Designing solar heated/cooled houses or buildings

- Electronic equipment exposed the environment

- Aircraft on a runway to size the ECS system and also to determine temperate of composite surfaces

- Spacecraft inside a launch vehicle on pad

- Thermica Integration (version 4.5.3 and later). Using Thermica v4 with Sinda/Patran is now much more automated and includes batch capabilities.

Sinda 2013

When the analysis type is steady state and the control constant OUTPUT = 0.0, the CYC option will now result in time-averaged values in lieu of time

interpolated values. The PER option already behaves this way. The CYC option use a single array of doublet pairs, and the PER option uses 2 singlet arrays,

but are otherwise the same. The CYC option occurs in 3 places: boundary node temperature, source data, and conductor data.

64 and 32bit versions of Sinda 2013

64 bit version of the software that runs on XP-64 or Windows 7 64 bit computes and can run very large models as compared to previous versions of Sinda.

Not only is the math all done in 64 bit, but this version takes full advantage of the memory (RAM) and uses virtual memory on your computer and is not limited to 2GB as previous 32 bit versions of Sinda were. Also includes 32 bit version that will run on both 64 bit computers and 32 bit computers.

Fortran Compilers

To run the 32 and 64 bit versions of Sinda 2013 using the Fortran option, Intel Fortran 10.0 or later is required. Version 9.1 will work with the 32 bit version of Sinda 2013, but not the 64 bit version.

About MSC Software

MSC Software is one of the ten original software companies and the worldwide leader in multidiscipline simulation. As a trusted partner, MSC Software helps companies improve quality, save time, and reduce costs associated with design and test of manufactured products. Academic institutions, researchers, and students employ MSC's technology to expand individual knowledge as well as expand the horizon of simulation. MSC Software employs 1,100 professionals in 20 countries.


MSC Sinda







Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8


390.0 mb

发布日期: 2014-01-12