CG数据库 >> KSL Multiboot USB v4.0 (x86/x64)

KSL Multiboot USB v4.0 (x86/x64)的图片1

KSL Multiboot USB v4.0 (x86/x64) | 12.9 GB

This assembly is designed for installation of operating systems Windows XP SP2/SP3 x86/x64, Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64, Windows 8.1 x86/x64, boot WinPE, LiveCD , service utilities from USB .

The efficiency of all systems tested .

Performance LiveCD, WinPE, antivirus software, and service utilities verified.

Changes in version 4.0:


[+] - Added

[^] - Updated

[-] - Removed

[+] Windows 8.1 AIO x86/x64 MSDN

[+] Windows 7 AIO x86/64 MSDN

[+] Windows XP SP3 x86 MSDN

[+] Windows XP SP2 x64 MSDN

[+] AVAST Antivirus LiveCD

[+] Dr.Web Antivirus LiveCD

[+] MsDART 8.1

[+] SergeyStrelec WinPE 4.8

[+] Acronis Disk Director Advanced 11.01 RU

[+] KSL Updater 1.0

[^] KSL Creator 4.0

[^] ESET Antivirus LiveCD 25.11.13

[^] KASPERSKY Antivirus LiveCD 15.12.13

[^] AntiWinLocker 4.1

[^] Acronis Disk Director Home 11.02 RU Update 2

[^] Acronis True Image Home 17.01 RU

[^] HDD Regenerator 2011

[^] MHDD 4.6

[^] Victoria 3.52 AIO (PC, Note, Fujitsu, etc.)

[^] Windows Key Enterprise Edition 12.5 Build 6875

[^] Markers v.1.22

[^] Grub4DOS v.0.46

[^] KSL GFX-Menu v.4.0

[^] BOOTICE v.1.31 x86/x64

[^] FiraDisk v.1.30

[-] Windows 7 SP1 AIO x86/x64 [M0NKRUS][-] Manual installation of Windows XP SP3 PRO x86 [AS Clean][-] Auto - installing Windows XP SP3 PRO x86 [AS Clean][-] Acronis Disk Director 11.0 RU

[-] Acronis True Image 2010

[-] Xemom WinPE 7 x86/x64

[-] Xemom WinPE 8 x86/x64

[-] SOFT for manual installation

Program Version: 4.0

Language: Russian , English

Treatment: complete folder "_ACTIVATORS_"

System requirements :

Operating System : Windows XP/7/8.1/PE

Processor: 1 GHz AMD or Intel

Memory: 1 GB or more

Video Card: DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver version 1.0 or higher

Free space on HDD : 1GB of Flash , depending on the number of selected components

发布日期: 2014-01-13