CG数据库 >> Richardson EditRocket 4.5.3 macOS

EditRocket是一个功能强大的代码编辑器,是可供Mac OS X,Windows和Linux程序员使用的文本编辑器。支持超过20种语言,包括HTML , PHP和CSS ,java脚本,Python, Ruby, Perl, XML, C, C++, Shell Script。包括许多工具,可帮助用户编写代码,诸多功能如语法高亮,代码创建和sidekicks ,导航,功能查询,代码和标记完成,正则表达式搜索和替换,支架和标签匹配, HTML格式,CSS ,和XML文件属性和比较。

File Size: 35.16 MB / 41.79 MB

EditRocket is a powerful text editor with many useful features that will be appreciated by web designers, programmers, as well as ordinary PC users. The program has a feature syntax highlighting, auto-substituting the appropriate programming language, scripting, a powerful search engine and much more. Program EditRocket supports the following programming languages and technologies: C, Java, PHP, Text, ActionScript, Groovy, Transact-SQL, C + +, javascript, Python, XML, CSS, HTML, Perl, etc. The text editor EditRocket become a reliable assistant of any web-master.

Key Features:

Editing Tools

Auto Tag Closure for XML and HTML

Auto Tag Complete for HTML tags in PHP, JSP, and HTML pages

Auto Code Block completion for C style languages when entering open curly brackets

Auto Method / Function Completion / Lookup for Java, JSP, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby

Auto system package procedure lookup / completion for PL/SQL

Key Ahead functionality that is customizable by programming language for quickly entering text

Bookmark functionality for quickly navigating through code.

Recordable macros for quickly executing common tasks

Select Text options for quickly selecting lines, paragraphs, words, and pages

Delete Text options for quickly deleting lines, paragraphs, words, and pages

Favorites and Recent Files options for bookmarking files or quickly viewing previously opened files

Customizable keyboard shortcuts

Spell Checker......



Richardson EditRocket 4.5.3 macOS的图片1

发布日期: 2019-08-27