Magic Translator(魔术翻译家)是一个能在10国语言间进行自由翻译的共享软件。她利用Internet上的公共(Public Domain)或免费(Free)翻译资源,实现了10国语言任意两种之间的翻译(只有俄语结点的入度为0)。这10国语言是:英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、俄语、汉语、韩语、日语。魔术翻译家软件支持单词短语翻译、单句翻译、篇章翻译(不过,自从9月11日以后,篇章翻译已经对篇章的长度进行了限制,可能是网络问题)。由于该软件作为远程翻译服务的客户端(翻译工作是在服务器)上完成的,所以没有附带任何词库、翻译库文件。
Magic Translator 8.30.6832 | 2 MB
Magic Translator is an online translation software based on Internet resources. There now exists many distributed machine in the world that can do the language translation work from a certain language to another specified language. Can we exploit these free or public domain resources? Magic Translator could be the answer. Magic Translator can now translate among 11 languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, ......
Products Features
- Translate whatever you can imagine, document, web contents, letters, chats, and emails and more.
- Translation among 11 language: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Korean and Japanese.
- Build-in, full-featured Word processor.
- Support Microsoft Word, Notepad, WordPAD, Adobe Acrobat, Outlook Express, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Frontpage and more.
- 100% Unicode compatible.
- Unicode Viewer enables users to automatically download Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian fonts from Microsoft website, when neccessary.
- Open a wide variety of documents, .DOC, .RTF and .TXT.
- Save or print the translated text with a print.
Home Page
Magic Translator 8.30.6832
发布日期: 2014-04-07