Pointwise是一款非常流行的CFD前处理网格生成软件,其前身为Gridgen软件,后者是上世纪80年代美国通用动力公司专门为研制F-16战斗机而开发,其被广泛应用于F-16, F-15, F-18, F-22, F-35, F-117, B-2, E-2C, P-3C, X-15,X-43、Space Shuttle, Space Station、高性能涡轮和高性能潜艇开发中。
Pointwise可以生成多块结构网格、非结构网格和混合网格,支持导入多种CAD数据格式作为网格生成基础,也可自行建立简单模型。其支持的导入格式包含了所有主流CAD软件,比如CATIA,SOLIDWORKS,PRO/E等等,也支持包括IGS,STP,PLOT3D等通用格式。其生成的网格可以输出十几种常用商业流体软件的数据格式,包括ANSYS FLUENT,CFX,CFD++,PHOENICS,OVERFLOW,STAR-CCM+等,也包括众多开源软件支持格式,包括SU2,CFL3D,PYFR,OPENFOAM等等。对用户自编的CFD软件,可选用公开格式导出,如结构网格的 PLOT3D格式和非结构网格CGNS格式。
x64 | Languages:English | File Size: 759 MB
Pointwise is the choice for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) meshing, covering all aspects of preprocessing from geometry model import to flow solver export. Available for Windows, Linux, and Mac, you can generate structured, unstructured, and hybrid meshes including our anisotropic tetrahedral extrusion (T-Rex) technique for highly-automated generation of boundary layer resolving hybrid meshes.
Year / Date Release:2019
Version:PointWise 18.3 R1 build 2019-09-09 x64
Interface language:English
Tabletka:Present (TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ)
System Requirements:
OS:Windows 7/8.1/10 (x64)
RAM:2 GB RAM (8 GB recommended)
Space:2 GB disk space
Colors:OpenGL capable color display monitor
Display:1280x1024 screen resolution (4K monitor support now included)
GPU:Graphics adapter supporting 3D hardware-accelerated OpenGL and 24-bit RGB double-buffering
Drivers:Up-to-date graphics accelerator drivers
Whats New:
Pointwise Release Notes 18.3 Release 1
New Features
-Hex-Core meshing is now available. This can be used on existing blocks or to create a farfield.
-Pointwise Viewer is now available and comes bundled with the standard installation. It can be used without a license to examine meshes in any format that can import into Pointwise.
-Keyboard accelerators can now be customized.
-A new T-Rex boundary condition based upon turning angle has been added.
-A new default boundary condition for T-Rex called Auto is now available. Specifically created for the Apply T-Rex feature, this applies an Angle boundary condition if one is specified. If no angle is specified, then it will apply a Wall boundary condition unless the connector is shared by a structured domain, in which case an Adjacent Grid condition is applied.
-The current Pointwise session can be automatically journaled as a session transcript.
-A View Magnifier has been added to allow localized magnification within the display
-Quilt boundaries can now be assembled in the Create, Assemble, Quilts feature.
-Explicit boundaries can now be selected in Create, Patch.
-MeshLink files can now be exported alongside CAE files.
-A T-Rex preference checkbox has been added to Grid, Sync Spacings.
-Curvature clustering now works for Advancing Front Ortho domains with and without mixed cells.
-New Min./Max. Edge Length settings are available for domains.
-Point cloud sources can now be imported using Grid, Import.
-A new distribution type for Connectors, Automatic, has been added. The dimension and distribution of the grid points is based upon the size field.
-The Examine window has been simplified to allow quicker access to the most commonly used features.
-A turntable style rotation (rather than trackball) is now available.
-Jacobian is now available as an Examine function for domains.
-Quad dominant domains now have lower area ratios.
Resolved Issues
-PW-19118 An unstructured block that was previously not able to be initialized can now be populated with cells.
-PW-19183 An unstructured block can now be initialized without error.
-PW-19320 Initializing an unstructured block resulted in an unexpected exit from the application.
PW-19498 Initializing an unstructured block failed and reported the error ‘Could not import the tets!”
PW-20008 A relatively simple unstructured block failed initialization after many hours.
PW-20544 An .stp file was not importing correctly.
PW-20908 A solidworks file was not importing correctly.
PW-21238 The glyph manual was missing syntax for the getTRexFront and splitByFronts commands.
PW-21491 A manifold connector was being incorrectly reported as free.
PW-21550 CAD files imported in millimeters lead to an unexpected exit during a trim operation.
PW-21569 Surface triangulation was not being recovered causing an unstructured block to fail initialization.
PW-21589 An unstructured block failed initialization.
PW-21592 Star-CCM exporter now uses 64-bit indexing so that larger files can be exported.
PW-21619 An imported Gridgen (.gg) file could not be exported after changing the CAE solver.
PW-21644 In 2D, the resulting connector after a domain split operation was not recognized as a connection in the CAE Boundary Condition menu.
PW-21646 Adjusted the topological surface mesher to reduce warnings about initialization in quilt mode.
PW-21687 The cell counts in the Grid, Solve table were not updating correctly after initialization.
PW-21702 Command line execution of a script failed for files with dots in their name prior to the file extension.
PW-21705 IGES files were not importing complete geometries.
PW-21706 Undoing the import of an IGES file resulted in an unexpected exit.
PW-21708 T-Rex cell combination omitted a cell under certain circumstances.
PW-21716 Removed a limitation that prevented many CFD++ files from being imported.
PW-21724 Assembling models was causing an unexpected exit.
PW-21729 Splitting an unstructured block at a distance less than 0.001 was not being allowed.
PW-21748 Adjusting Equiangle Skew criteria in the unstructured block solver was causing an unexpected exit.
PW-21762 Using Glyph, blocks were not refined by a source when initialized outside of the mode.
PW-21764 Scaling of a grid caused Pointwise to enter an infinite loop.
PW-21793 The import of an unsupported format for .Gmsh now reports an error.
PW-21795 Named Spacings were being removed after using the domain solver.
PW-21796 Importing an input.xml file for Overset was parsing data incorrectly.
PW-21831 Renaming an existing boundary condition was causing it to not highlight the associated domains.
PW-21845 A selection bug caused a domain to be selected outside of a selection box.
PW-21869 The reticle for point selection was inaccurate during Edit, Split.
PW-21872 Entities were being highlighted pre-emptively based upon how the cursor approached.
PW-21908 The user manual has been updated to clarify the “Include Parents” option in the Layers panel.
PW-21922 2D T-Rex was asymmetric on a symmetrical shape.
PW-21926 Lamina boundaries were incorrectly updating in Model Assembly.
PW-21927 Re-extrusion caused an unexpected exit.
PW-21941 The Gridgen mouse style was preventing panning and rotation.
PW-21987 Very large CAE boundary condition count was being displayed.
PW-21984 Reducing spacing below tolerance values led to an unexpected exit when opening the T-Rex menu.
PW-22004 Importing a CGNS file resulted in an invalid attribute error.
PW-22021 Quad Warp limits were not being adhered to during domain initialization.
PW-22022 Initializing a block changed the surface cell type of some domains.
PW-22049 Not all Default settings were being preserved in a saved file.
PW-22057 Some Named Spacing constraints became unassigned.
发布日期: 2019-09-18