CG数据库 >> Autodesk Netfabb Local Simulation 2020.2 x64

x64 | File Size: 1.80 GB


Autodesk® Netfabb® Local Simulation is a non-linear finite element thermo-mechanical solver for additive manufacturing (AM) processes. With the graphical user interface, Local Simulation users can easily set up, execute, and examine analysis results. Advanced users may prefer the command-line interface to access advanced or beta features of Local Simulation.

Simulation can be used to perform predictive modeling of the AM build process to help guide the design and manufacture of AM parts. Simulation can model AM processes directly, using traditional moving-source thermo-mechanical methods, or rapidly model large and complex geometries using a unique accurate and fast multi-scale methodology. These models result in histories of temperature, distortion, and stress fields, which coupled with warnings for support structure failure or recoater blade interference, can be used to improve manufacturability for a variety of AM technologies.

System requirements for Local Simulation


Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit

Microsoft Windows 8.1 64-bit

Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 64-bit

CPU:14 processor cores

Memory:64 GB of RAM

Autodesk Netfabb Local Simulation 2020.2 x64的图片1
Autodesk Netfabb Local Simulation 2020.2 x64的图片2

发布日期: 2019-09-29