CG数据库 >> Viz Pro 2.6.1 for Sketchup 2019

一款功能强大的可视化参数建模插件,支持SketchUp ,这款插件大大方便了那些不懂程序设计的建筑设计人员,这款插件功能非常强大,类似Rhino上的GrassHopper,依靠可视化的方式来调整各个数值的流动关系

File size: 141 MB

Viz Pro adds parametric modeling to SketchUp. All your modeling history is retained, you won’t need to redo all the work anymore.

Parametric Modeling

Integration with OpenCascade CAD library

NURBS curves and surfaces

Complex Materials

Many modeling operations such as Fillet, Chamfer, Draft, Extrude, Revolve, Pipe, Loft

Perform computations and output the result as Leader Text

Boolean Operations and Solid Modeling

Whats New:

Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

Viz Pro 2.6.1 for Sketchup 2019的图片1

发布日期: 2019-11-06