CG数据库 >> Mirillis Action! 4.10.4 Multilingual

Mirillis Action!是一个卓越的高清屏幕录像软件。使用它录制的视频可以完美还原Windows Aero 的高清效果!实时录制正在运行的高清游戏视频,游戏帧率显示(FPS),并可以添加实时音频评论,以创造高品质的游戏视频教程;当然你还可以使用它来录制网页播放视频、录制音乐、捕捉屏幕截图等等!

File Size: 104 MB

Action! allows real-time recording/capture of Windows Aero desktop in a superb HD video quality. With Action! you can record web player videos, your gameplay, display game framerates, add live audio commentary to create high quality tutorials, record music, capture screenshots... and more!io recording function allows to record all sounds, music and game audio. Using microphone you can easily create podcasts. Additionaly Action! can encode in real-time the recorded audio in M4A format, making the recorded audio files small and compact.

M4A audio recording will be avialable in free update............

Mirillis Action! 4.10.4 Multilingual的图片1

发布日期: 2019-08-07